2MASS Long Exposure (6X) Full Survey Atlas Image Metadata Table

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This catalog contains metadata for 2MASS Long Exposure (6X) Full Survey Atlas Images. Each row in the catalog consists of metadata for a single image, and is uniquely identified by the ordate, hemisphere and fname columns. A complete listing of available columns can be accessed by clicking the link above.

Metadata queries can be issued at the following URL:


For example, <root>/search/twomass/sixxfull/sixxfull?POS=10.4,-10.8 returns metadata for images containing (RA,Dec) = (10.4, -10.8). Query parameters are documented here.

Generating URLs for data products

2MASS Long Exposure (6X) Full Survey Atlas Image data product URLs are built using the values of the ordate, hemisphere, scanno, and fname columns.

Long Exposure (6X) Full Survey FITS Images

These are located at:



By appending center and size parameters (e.g. <root>/data/twomass/sixxfull/sixxfull/000505n/s028/image/hi0280266.fits.gz?center=160,54&size=100pix), one can also download cutouts (see the detailed documentation).

Python code to build a URL:

params = { 'ordate': 991106,
           'hemisphere': 's'
           'scanno': 042
           'fname': 'ji0420221.fits.gz'
path = str.format(
url = 'serverroot/data/twomass/sixxfull/sixxfull/' + path

C code to build a URL:

char url[256];
const char *ordate = "991106";
const char *hemisphere = "s";
const char *fname = "ji0420221.fits.gz";
const char *server = "serverroot";
int scanno = 42;
snprintf( url, sizeof(url),
          server, ordate, hemisphere, scanno, fname );

Java code to build a URL:

String ordate = "991106";
String hemisphere = "s";
String fname = "ji0420221.fits.gz";
String server = "serverroot";
int scanno = 42;
String url = String.format( "%1$s/data/twomass/sixxfull/sixxfull/%2$s%3$s/s%4$03d/%5$s",
                            server, ordate, hemisphere, scanno, fname );
Glint Artifact Tables

These are located at:



A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.

Persistence Artifact Tables

These are located at:



A trivial change to the format string in the sample code snippets above suffices to generate these URLs.