Data Access
XI.E. Photon-Induced Responsivity Enhancement

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
XI. Known Processing Anomalies
E. Photon-Induced Responsivity Enhancement

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The observations described in Sections IV.A.8 show that a correction of as much as 20% should be applied to the photometry in the 100 µm band because of the photon-induced responsivity enhancement caused by passage over the Galactic plane.This correction depends on the detailed history of the individual scans which go into making up a source. The correction scheme described in Section VI.B.4 is only valid in a statistical sense and is based on guess-work for those areas which were not covered by ascending and descending. It should be emphasized that these corrections were not incorporated into the instrumental fluxes recorded in the WSDB.

No correction has been attempted for the extended emission maps.

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