Data Access

ISSA Explanatory Supplement

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The concept of creating the IRAS Sky Survey Atlas from the IRAS data came from the U.S. IRAS Science Team. We acknowledge their guidance throughout this project, as well as their direct efforts in specific aspects. The U.S. IRAS Science Team consists of G. Neugebauer, Chairman, H.H. Aumann, C.A. Beichman, T.J. Chester, T.N. Gautier, F.C. Gillett, M.G. Hauser, G. Helou, J.R. Houck, C.J. Lonsdale, F.J. Low, B.T. Soifer, R.G. Walker, and E.T. Young.

The IRAS Sky Survey Atlas is one of the many products of the IRAS Extended Mission funded by NASA. We thank N. Boggess, F.C. Gillett, C. Hartman, C. Pellerin, and G. Riegler of NASA for their support over the last four years.

We thank M.G. Hauser, L.J. Rickard and J. Vrtilek for their assistance in the calibration analysis.

We thank J. Good for the use of his zodiacal model which greatly enhanced the quality of the ISSA images.

We also acknowledge R. Benson for his overall contributions to ISSA and especially for his contributions to the calibration analysis of the IRAS data.

The IRAS Sky Survey Atlas would not have been produced in a timely manner and with such high quality without the efforts of the Data Management Team at IPAC. The Data Management Team consists of G. Lairmore (former supervisor), G. Smith (former supervisor), R. Beck, R. Abihai, R. Bailey, D. Engler, E. Erwin, R. Frayre, H. Hanson, G. Johnson, J. Lampley, Leslie Lloyd, P. Lynn, G. Pate, and R. Urban.

The visual verification and quality checking of each IRAS Sky Survey Atlas image was performed by G. Johnson. We greatly appreciate her perseverance and hard work in performing this task. The quality of the images reflects the excellence of her work.

The management of the database and the production coordination was performed by R. Beck. We thank him for the valuable skills he brought to this task, for his cooperative spirit and for his patience.

Production of color mosaics and images was performed by G. Laughlin. We thank her for her skill and enthusiasm in creating these pictures.

Other members of the IPAC staff provided important support. D. Wittman and N. Chiu wrote the programs to position order the IRAS database. N. Chiu wrote the programs to convert the data from IBM format into Cyber format. D. Wittman and N. Maksoudian provided systems support. We thank the library staff consisting of R. Scholey, IPAC Librarian and Supervisor, H. Hope, C. Lague, Larry Lloyd, C. Kelley and E. Scholey. We thank C. Lague and H. Hope for maintaining and filing information for the Atlas.

R. Stagner wrote the original software used to produce the resampled, compressed, time-ordered input data. We also thank B. Narron for his valuable inputs and experience in the area of binning and projection algorithms.

We have benefited from those who have used the IRAS Sky Survey Atlas images and provided feedback. We would like specifically to thank Drs. M.V. Sykes, W. Rice, S. Terebey and R. Laureijs for their comments.

This supplement was typed in TeX by D. Milton. Her expertise and enthusiasm contributed greatly to the timely production of this document.

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