Data Access

[Preliminary. Adapted from the ADC catalog file]

For the IRAS Asteroid Survey, 7,015 sightings from 1,811 individual asteroids that were of sufficient quality have been accepted into the asteroid catalog. Diameters, albedos and various technical parameters have been derived for these minor planets. The IRAS comet catalog contains the detection history for each comet reliably detected in the ADAS search. Positions were searched for all periodic comets that passed near the Sun or Earth during the period from 1982 to 1985 plus all comets that were observed during that period.


File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
astdata.dat 478 1811 Asteroid Catalog and Database
astrejst.dat 80 3453 IRAS Rejected Asteroid sightings
astsight.dat 646 6510 Asteroid Sighting Record
aststats.dat 80 3453 Asteroid Statistics Catalog and Database
;;comdata.dat 584 36 Comet Catalog and Database
comsight.dat 594 147 Comet Sighting Record
g24color.dat 207 285 Asteroid Ground-Based 24 color Spectrophot.Data
g8color.dat 90 589 Asteroid Ground-Based 8 color survey Data
glitcurv.dat 36 345 Asteroid Ground-Based light curve Data
gpolarim.dat 83 111 Asteroid Ground-Based Polarimetry Data
gubv.dat 44 951 Asteroid Ground-Based UBV Photometry Data
nmspoint.dat 55 3447 Asteroid Name, Pointers to Ground-Based Data


Byte-by-byte Description of file: astdata.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-10 I10 --- ID ADAS (the Asteroids Data Analysis System) ID
11-20 I10 --- TYPE ADAS TYPE
21-30 I10 --- Nsight No. of usable sightings
31-44 E14.6 --- Albedo Derived geometric albedo
45-58 E14.6 --- u_Albedo Uncertainty (one-sigma) in derived albedo
59-72 E14.6 km Diam Derived diameter
73-86 E14.6 --- u_Diam Uncertainty (one-sigma) in derived diameter
87-106 D20.6 d PPtime1 Time of perihelion passage (orbital set 1)
107-126 D20.6 deg AP1 Argument of perihelion ( " set 1)
127-146 D20.6 deg LONn1 Longitude of the ascending node ( " set 1)
147-166 D20.6 deg Inclin1 Inclination ( " set 1)
167-186 D20.6 --- Eccen1 Eccentricity ( " set 1)
187-206 D20.6 AU Pdist1 Perihelion distance ( " set 1)
207-226 D20.6 d PPtime2 Time of perihelion passage (orbital set 2)
227-246 D20.6 deg AP2 Argument of perihelion ( " set 2)
247-266 D20.6 deg LONn2 Longitude of the ascending node ( " set 2)
267-286 D20.6 deg Inclin2 Inclination ( " set 2)
287-306 D20.6 --- Eccen2 Eccentricity ( " set 2)
307-326 D20.6 AU Pdist2 Perihelion distance ( " set 2)
327-340 E14.6 mag Bluemag Blue absolute magnitude
341-354 E14.6 --- Slope Slope parameter
355-368 E14.6 --- Phase Phase integral
369-382 E14.6 mag B-V B-V color
383-396 E14.6 --- ProbFV Probability that flux variation significantly affected the flux measurements (PFV)
397-452 4E14.6 mag MagFV Magnitude of flux variation in each band
453-462 I10 --- Status Composite status word
463-472 I10 --- EphemQ Ephemeris quality code
473-474 A2 --- MagQ Absolute magnitude quality code
475-476 A2 --- ColorQ Color quality code
477-478 A2 --- Spare Spare


Byte-by-byte Description of file: astrejst.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-10 A10 --- AstID the asteroid serial number
11-20 A10 --- DetNum Detector ID part 1 or 2
21-30 A10 --- RejNum1 the number of rejected sightings
31-40 A10 --- SigNum the number of sightings weeks confirmed
41-50 A10 --- NonSolo the number of non-solo matches
51-60 A10 --- FailNum the number of color failures
61-70 A10 --- RejNum2 the number of 25um only sightings rejected
71-80 A10 --- RejNum3 the number of rejections for other reasons


Byte-by-byte Description of file: astsight.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-10 I10 --- SightT SDAS (the Science Data Analysis System) sighting name (time part)
11-20 I10 --- SightD SDAS sighting name (detector ID part)
21-30 A10 --- Obsdate Observation time, year and month
31-44 E14.6 d Obsday Observation day (UT day and fraction of day)
45-58 E14.6 rad RArad Right ascension (geocentric)
59-72 E14.6 rad DErad Declination (geocentric)
73-86 E14.6 rad ScanPos In-scan position uncertainty (one-sigma)
87-100 E14.6 rad GaussPos Cross-scan gaussian position uncertainty (one-sigma)
101-114 E14.6 rad UniPos Cross-scan uniform position uncertainty (one-sigma)
115-128 E14.6 rad TWangle Position twist angle (from north counter-clockwise to cross-scan axis)
129-184 4E14.6 Jy Flux Flux density in each survey band
185-240 4E14.6 --- u_Flux Flux density uncertainty (one-sigma) in each survey band
241-296 4E14.6 --- S/N Signal-to-noise ratio in each survey band
297-306 I10 --- CorrCoef Correlation coefficients in each survey band (packed)
307-316 I10 --- FVstatus Flux status words for each survey band (packed)
317-326 I10 --- Dstatus Associated data status word
327-336 I10 --- ARstatus Acceptance/rejection status word
337-346 I10 --- AlbedoSt Albedo determination status word
347-356 I10 --- Confst Confusion status word
357-370 E14.6 AU ASdist Asteroid-sun distance
371-384 E14.6 AU AEdist Asteroid-earth distance
385-398 E14.6 rad Phase Phase angle
399-412 E14.6 mag Vmag Expected visual magnitude
413-468 4E14.6 km Diam Derived diameter in each survey band
469-524 4E14.6 --- u_Diam ? One-sigma uncertainty in DIAM
525-580 4E14.6 --- Albedo ? Derived albedo in each survey band
581-636 4E14.6 --- u_Albedo ? One-sigma uncertainty in Albedo
637-646 I10 --- ID ADAS ID


Byte-by-byte Description of file: aststats.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-10 I10 --- ID ADAS ID
11-20 I10 --- Type ADAS TYPE
21-30 I10 --- NPsight No. of predicted sightings
31-40 I10 --- NSIGHT No. of realized sightings
41-50 I10 --- Fsight No. of times predicted too faint to detect
51-60 I10 --- Ndead No. of times not detected and image crossed over dead band 2 detector
61-70 I10 --- Nnoisy No. of times not detected and image crossed over noisy band 2 detector
71-80 I10 --- Nnondet No. of times not detected and no likely reason identified for the nondetection


Byte-by-byte Description of file: comdata.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-10 I10 --- ID ADAS ID
11-20 I10 --- TYPE ADAS TYPE
21-30 I10 --- Nsight No. of usable sightings
31-44 E14.6 km Diam Derived diameter
45-58 E14.6 --- u_Diam Uncertainty (one-sigma) in derived diameter
59-78 D20.6 d PPtime1 Time of perihelion passage (orbital set 1)
79-98 D20.6 deg AP1 Argument of perihelion ( " set 1)
99-118 D20.6 deg LONn1 Longitude of the ascending node ( " set 1)
119-138 D20.6 deg Inclin1 Inclination ( " set 1)
139-158 D20.6 --- Eccen1 Eccentricity ( " set 1)
159-178 D20.6 AU Pdist1 Perihelion distance ( " set 1)
179-198 D20.6 d PPtime2 Time of perihelion passage (orbital set 2)
199-218 D20.6 deg AP2 Argument of perihelion ( " set 2)
219-238 D20.6 deg LONn2 Longitude of the ascending node ( " set 2)
239-258 D20.6 deg Inclin2 Inclination ( " set 2)
259-278 D20.6 --- Eccen2 Eccentricity ( " set 2)
279-298 D20.6 AU Pdist2 Perihelion distance ( " set 2)
299-308 I10 --- Status Associated data status word
309-322 E14.6 Jy B2flux Band-2 flux of associated small extended source
323-336 E14.6 rad B2size Band-2 size of associated small extended source
337-584 A248 --- rem Remark field


Byte-by-byte Description of file: comsight.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-10 I10 --- SightT SDAS sighting name (time part)
11-20 I10 --- SightID SDAS sighting name (detector ID part)
21-30 A10 --- Obsdate Observation time, year and month
31-44 E14.6 d Obsday Observation day (UT day and fraction of day)
45-58 E14.6 rad RArad Right ascension (geocentric)
59-72 E14.6 rad DErad Declination (geocentric)
73-86 E14.6 rad ScanPos In-scan position uncertainty (one-sigma)
87-100 E14.6 rad GaussPos Cross-scan gaussian position uncertainty (one-sigma)
101-114 E14.6 rad UniPos Cross-scan uniform position uncertainty (one-sigma)
115-128 E14.6 rad TWangle Position twist angle (from north counter-clockwise to cross-scan axis)
129-184 4E14.6 Jy Flux Flux in each survey band
185-240 4E14.6 --- u_Flux Flux uncertainty (one-sigma) in each survey band
241-296 4E14.6 --- S/N Signal-to-noise ratio in each survey band
297-306 I10 --- CorrCoeff Correlation coefficients in each survey band (packed)
307-316 I10 --- Fstatus Flux status words for each survey band (packed)
317-326 I10 --- Dstatus Associated data status word
327-336 I10 --- ARstatus Acceptance/rejection status word
337-346 I10 --- Confst Confusion status word
347-360 E14.6 AU CSdist Comet-sun distance
361-374 E14.6 AU CEdist Comet-earth distance
375-388 E14.6 rad Phase Phase angle
389-444 4E14.6 km Diam Derived diameter in each survey band
445-500 4E14.6 --- u_Diam One-sigma uncertainty in ADDIAM
501-556 4E14.6 km2 area Cross-sectional area in each band
557-570 E14.6 Jy B2flux Band-2 flux of associated small extended source
571-584 E14.6 rad B2size Band-2 size of associated small extended source
585-594 I10 --- ID ADAS ID


Byte-by-byte Description of file: g24color.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1 I1 --- Filenum *The file identification number of Ground-based data file
2-6 I5 --- ID ADAS ID
9-13 A5 --- AstrNum Asteroid number or provisional designation
14-17 F4.2 --- R330 ? Reflectance at 0.330 um
18-20 F3.2 --- u_R330 ? Uncertainty in 0.330 um reflectance
21-24 F4.2 --- R3436 ? Reflectance at 0.340 um if ref = 1; 0.360 um if ref = 2
25-27 F3.2 --- u_R3436 ? Uncertainty in 0.340 um or 0.360 um reflectance
28-31 F4.2 --- R35538 ? Reflectance at 0.355 um if ref = 1; 0.380 um if ref = 2
32-34 F3.2 --- u_R35538 ? Uncertainty in 0.355 um or 0.380 um reflectance
35-38 F4.2 --- R400 ? Reflectance at 0.400 um
39-41 F3.2 --- u_R400 ? Uncertainty in 0.400 um reflectance
42-45 F4.2 --- R43435 ? Reflectance at 0.430 um if ref = 1; 0.435 um if ref = 2
46-48 F3.2 --- u_R43435 ? Uncertainty in 0.430 um or 0.435 um reflectance
49-52 F4.2 --- R470 ? Reflectance at 0.470 um
53-55 F3.2 --- u_R470 ? Uncertainty in 0.470 um reflectance
56-59 F4.2 --- R500 ? Reflectance at 0.500 um
60-62 F3.2 --- u_R500 ? Uncertainty in 0.500 um reflectance
63-66 F4.2 --- R540 ? Reflectance at 0.540 um
67-69 F3.2 --- u_R540 ? Uncertainty in 0.540 um reflectance
70-73 F4.2 --- R570 ? Reflectance at 0.570 um
74-76 F3.2 --- u_R570 ? Uncertainty in 0.570 um reflectance
77-80 F4.2 --- R600 ? Reflectance at 0.600 um
81-83 F3.2 --- u_R600 ? Uncertainty in 0.600 um reflectance
84-87 F4.2 --- R63563 ? Reflectance at 0.635 um if ref = 1; 0.630 um if ref = 2
88-90 F3.2 --- u_R63563 ? Uncertainty in 0.635 um or 0.630 um reflectance
91-94 F4.2 --- R670 ? Reflectance at 0.670 um
95-97 F3.2 --- u_R670 ? Uncertainty in 0.670 um reflectance
98-101 F4.2 --- R700 ? Reflectance at 0.700 um
102-104 F3.2 --- u_R700 ? Uncertainty in 0.700 um reflectance
105-108 F4.2 --- R73735 ? Reflectance at 0.730 um if ref = 1; 0.735 um if ref = 2
109-111 F3.2 --- u_R73735 ? Uncertainty in 0.730 um or 0.735 um reflectance
112-115 F4.2 --- R765 ? Reflectance at 0.765 um
116-118 F3.2 --- u_R765 ? Uncertainty in 0.765 um reflectance
119-122 F4.2 --- R800 ? Reflectance at 0.800 um
123-125 F3.2 --- u_R800 ? Uncertainty in 0.800 um reflectance
126-129 F4.2 --- R830 ? Reflectance at 0.830 um
130-132 F3.2 --- u_R830 ? Uncertainty in 0.830 um reflectance
133-136 F4.2 --- R87865 ? Reflectance at 0.870 um if ref = 1; 0.865 um if ref = 2
137-139 F3.2 --- u_R87865 ? Uncertainty in 0.870 um or 0.865 um reflectance
140-143 F4.2 --- R900 ? Reflectance at 0.900 um
144-146 F3.2 --- u_R900 ? Uncertainty in 0.900 um reflectance
147-150 F4.2 --- R930 ? Reflectance at 0.930 um
151-153 F3.2 --- u_R930 ? Uncertainty in 0.930 um reflectance
154-157 F4.2 --- R950 ? Reflectance at 0.950 um
158-160 F3.2 --- u_R950 ? Uncertainty in 0.950 um reflectance
161-164 F4.2 --- R970 ? Reflectance at 0.970 um
165-167 F3.2 --- u_R970 ? Uncertainty in 0.970 um reflectance
168-171 F4.2 --- R1000 ? Reflectance at 1.000 um
172-174 F3.2 --- u_R1000 ? Uncertainty in 1.000 um reflectance
175-178 F4.2 --- R1030 ? Reflectance at 1.030 um
179-181 F3.2 --- u_R1030 ? Uncertainty in 1.030 um reflectance
182-185 F4.2 --- R1060 ? Reflectance at 1.060 um
186-188 F3.2 --- u_R1060 ? Uncertainty in 1.060 um reflectance
189-192 F4.2 --- R1100 ? Reflectance at 1.100 um
193-195 F3.2 --- u_R1100 ? Uncertainty in 1.100 um reflectance
196-201 A6 --- Update Date record added or updated
202-203 A2 --- Ref *References
Note on Filenum:
The file Identification number of ground-based data file
    1 - 24 color spectrophotometry
    2 - 8 color survey
    3 - Lightcurve
    4 - Polarimetry
    5 - UBV
Note on Ref:
    1 - Chapman and Gaffey (1979)
    2 - McFadden et al. (1984) and personal communication (1986).


Byte-by-byte Description of file: g8color.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1 I1 --- Filenum The file identification number (see the note on Filenum under g24color.dat)
2-6 I5 --- ID ADAS ID
9-13 A5 --- AstrNUm Asteroid number or provisional designation
14-18 F5.3 --- s-v ? s-v color index
19-23 F5.3 --- u-v ? u-v color index
24-28 F5.3 --- b-v ? b-v color index
29-33 F5.3 --- v-w ? v-w color index
34-38 F5.3 --- v-x ? v-x color index
39-43 F5.3 --- v-p ? v-p color index
44-48 F5.3 --- v-z ? v-z color index
49-51 I3 --- u_s-v ? Uncertainty in s-v color index
52-54 I3 --- u_u-v ? Uncertainty in u-v color index
55-57 I3 --- u_b-v ? Uncertainty in b-v color index
58-60 I3 --- u_v-w ? Uncertainty in v-w color index
61-63 I3 --- u_v-x ? Uncertainty in v-x color index
64-66 I3 --- u_v-p ? Uncertainty in v-p color index
67-69 I3 --- u_v-z ? Uncertainty in v-z color index
70-75 A6 --- update Date record was last changed
76-77 A2 --- Ref Reference: 1 Zellner et al. (1985)
78-86 A9 --- PDastr Provisional designation for asteroids which were numbered since publication of reference 1


Byte-by-byte Description of file: glitcurv.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1 I1 --- Filenum The file identification number (see the note on Filenum under g24color.dat)
2-6 I5 --- ID ADAS ID
9-13 A5 --- AstrNum Asteroid number or provisional designation
14-22 A9 h RP Rotation period in hours
23-32 A10 mag RotAmp Range of observed rotational amplitudes in magnitudes
All lightcurve data sets were obtained from Lagerkvist et al. (1985)


Byte-by-byte Description of file: gpolarim.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1 I1 --- Filenum The file identification number (see the note on Filenum under g24color.dat)
2-6 I5 --- ID ADAS ID
9-13 A5 --- AstrNum Asteroid number or provisional designation
14-17 A4 --- Pmin Minimum polarization in percent
18-19 A2 --- Quality *Data Quality
20-21 A2 --- FilterC *Filter code for data in bytes 26-30 and 33-38
22-26 A5 deg Iangle1 Inversion angle in degrees
27-28 A2 --- q_Iangle1 Inversion angle quality code (see the note on Quality)
29-34 A6 deg-1 Pslope1 Polarimetric slope in percent per degree
35-36 A2 --- q_Pslope1 Polarimetric slope quality code (see the note on Quality)
37-38 A2 --- FilterC2 Filter code for data in bytes 43-47 and 50-55 (see the note on FilterC)
39-43 A5 deg Iangle2 Inversion angle in degrees
44-45 A2 --- q_Iangle2 Inversion angle quality code (see the note on Quality)
46-51 A6 deg-1 Pslope2 Polarimetric slope in percent per degree
52-53 A2 --- q_Pslope2 Polarimetric slope quality code (see the note on Quality)
54-58 A5 --- B-V B-V color index
59-64 A6 --- V(1,0) V(1,0) from Gehrels and Tedesco (1979)
65-70 A6 --- Palbedo Polarimetric visual geometric albedo
71-76 A6 km Pdiam Polarimetric diameter in kilometers
77-79 A3 --- Ref *Reference
Note on Quality:
1 - Weak, fragmentary, large scatter, single point
2 - Average data set
3 - Best or most consistent data (complete set).
Note on FilterC:
Filter code for data in bytes 26-30 and 33-38 is given as follows -
    B - Filter B
    G - Filter G
    V - Filter V
    U - Filter U
    X - No filter
Note on Ref:
01 Zellner and Gradie (1976a)
02 Zellner and Gradie (1976b)
03 Veverka (1973) [Data re-reduced by Zellner for inclusion in Morrison and Zellner (1979)]
99 Unpublished data, University of Arizona.
For further details regarding this polarimetry data file see Morrison and Zeller (1979)


Byte-by-byte Description of file: gubv.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1 I1 --- Filenum The file identification number (see the note on Filenum under g24color.dat)
2-6 I5 --- ID ADAS ID
9-13 A5 --- AstrNum Asteroid number or provisional designation.
14-17 F4.2 --- U-B U-B from combined ECAS & TRIAD data
18 I1 --- w_U-B U-B weight
19-22 F4.2 --- B-V B-V from combined ECAS & TRIAD data
23 I1 --- w_B-V B-V weight
24-29 A6 --- Update Date record was last changed
30-31 A2 --- Ref *References
32-40 A9 --- PDastr Provisional designation for a numbered asteroid
Note on Ref:
1 Bowell et al. (1979)
2 Zellner et al. (1985)
3 weighted mean of values from references 1 and 2.


Byte-by-byte Description of file: nmspoint.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-10 I10 --- ID ADAS ID
11-20 I10 --- TYPE ADAS TYPE
21-30 I10 --- Point *pointers to files in FPND
31-46 A16 --- AstName Asteroid name
47-55 A9 --- PROVIS Provisional Designation


Note on Point:

    Pointers to files in Asteroid Ground-Based Data
    ("1" indicates association, "O" indicates none)

    1 1 24 color
    2 2 8 color
    3 4 Lightcurve
    4 8 Polarimetry
    5 16 UBV



Bowell, E., Gehrels, T., and Zellner, B. (1979). Magnitudes, colors, types, and adopted diameters of the asteroids. In Asteroids (T. Gehrels, ed.), pp. 1108-1129

Chapman, C. R. and Gaffey, M. J. (1979). Spectral reflectances of the asteroids. In Asteroids (T. Gehrels, ed.), pp. 1064-1089

Gehrels, T., and Tedesco, E. F. (1979). Minor planets and related objects XXVIII. Asteroid Magnitudes and Phase Relations. Astron. J. 84, 1079-1087

Lagerkvist, C.-I., Zappala, V., Barucci, M. A., Fulchignoni, M., Luciano, N., and Perozzi, E. (1985). Asteroid Lightcurve Catalogue. Uppsala Astronomical Observatory Report No. 36.

McFadden, L. A., Gaffey, M. J., and McCord, T. B. (1984). Mineralogical -Petrological characterization of near-earth asteroids. Icarus, 59, 25-40.

Veverka, J. (1973). observations of 9 Metis, 15 Eunomia, 89 Julia, and other asteroids. Icarus 19, pp. 114-117

Zellner, B. and Gradie, J. (1976a). Minor planets and related objects. XX. Polarimetric indications of albedo and composition for 94 asteroids. Astron. J. 81, pp. 262-280

Zellner, B. and Gradie, J. (1976b). Polarization of the reflected light of asteroid 433 Eros. Icarus 28, pp. 117-123

Zellner, B., Tholen, D. J., and Tedesco, E. F. (1985). The eight-color asteroid survey: Results for 589 minor planets. Icarus 61, 355-416.