The CPC instrument on IRAS was used to make maps at 50 and 100 microns
by scanning its 1.2' diameter field of view in raster fashion.
Typical maps are 40 x 40 pixels on a 20" grid. Each observation lasted
about 4 to 7 minutes. Unfortunately, the CPC detectors were much less
sensitive than expected and were plagued by signal-dependent spiking.
Deglitching was included among the data reduction steps, but the
correction made for responsivity variation was considered
unsatisfactory by the instrument team and the resulting data
are of lower quality than originally expected. Of the 2100
observations made with the CPC, 1500 were considered acceptable
for publication. The instrument and data processing are
described, and important caveats and an index of observations
are given in the IRAS-DAX Chopped Photometric Channel Explanatory
Supplement. Reduced observations are called CLEAN images; RAW
images, uncorrected for glitches and the effects of responsivity
variation, are available for comparison. In each case the 50
and 100 micron images are given in a single FITS file, one
for the CLEAN image and another for the RAW image.
Reference: Version and release date: 1.0, 1986 Jan |