Data Access

[Adapted from the ADC catalog file]

The 1.2-Jy IRAS Redshift Survey is an ASCII file containing 5014 records in the format described in Table 1.


Table 1. Format of the Survey File
Name Description Units Format
00 HOURS Right Ascension 1950. Hours I2
02 MINUTE Right Ascension 1950. Minutes I2
04 SECOND Right Ascension 1950. Seconds F4.1
08 DSIGN Declination Sign ± A1
09 DECDEG Declination 1950. Arc Deg I2
11 DECMIN Declination 1950. Arc Min I2
13 DECSEC Declination 1950. Arc Sec I2
16 NF Averaged, non-color corrected flux density, in compact form, one value per band (see below)   4I4
33 IDTYPE Type of Object --- I1
34 SES2 Number of nearby weeks confirmed small extended sources.(1 value for all bands) --- I1
35 CC Point source correlation coefficient (60 micron band) --- A1
36 VARFLAG Variability in 12 and 25 micron bands (see below) --- A1
37 STATUSFLAG Identification of the source (see below) --- A1
38 FQUAL Flux density quality. (1 value per band) --- 4I1
42 OPTID Optical identification (see below) --- A12
54 MAG Optical magnitude of ID'ed galaxy --- F5.2
60 VEL Heliocentric velocity km s-1 I5
65 VELERR Uncertainty in velocity km s-1 I3
68 SOURCE ZCAT code of source of redshift --- A4
72 TTYPE Type of galaxy in ZCAT --- A5
78 UNUMBER Either UGC or ESO number of the galaxy --- I6
84 BT Total magnitude, as defined in RC2, when available --- F5.2
89 SPECTRUM Internal index for the optical spectrum in the CfA database, if one exists --- A6
96 COMMENTS Comments taken from ZCAT --- A20
116 PF Averaged, non-color corrected flux density as listed in the PSC, one value per band, encoded as NF above --- 4I4

The coordinates for all objects that appear in the Point Source Catalog Version 2, are from that source; there are also a few very large galaxies whose fluxes and coordinates are taken from the Large Optical Galaxy Catalog.

Coded Flux Density: NF(4)
Each of the four wavelengths has a non-color-corrected flux density in units of Janskys, (1 Jy = 1.0E-26 W m-2 Hz-1). The quoted value is an average of all the hours-confirmed sightings as obtained by the prescription described in Explanatory Supplement V.H.5. The quality of each flux density is designated by FQUAL (see below). The flux densities have been calculated assuming an intrinsic source energy distribution such that the flux density f(nu) is proportional to 1/nu. Corrections to other spectral shapes can be made (see the description of color correction). The flux densities for sources so bright that they saturated the analog-to-digital converter on every sighting are lower limits based on the brightest value recorded. The uncertainties are given as ten times the quoted flux density and a flag is set in the CLEAN bits of the corresponding entry in the Ancillary Working Survey Database entry indicating saturation has occurred.
The IRAS fluxes are coded in a compact logarithmic form: The 12 micron flux is related to the integer NF12 by F12 = 10.^(NF12/1000 - 1.); similarly for the other fluxes. The fluxes are taken from the PSC, unless:
  1. The object is extended at 60 microns (see SES2 below);
  2. The object is variable (see VARFLAG below);
  3. The object is of moderate flux quality at 60 microns (see FQUAL below).
In these cases, one-dimensional addscan's of the data have been obtained and the zero-crossing fluxes from the median scan in all four bands, as supplied by SCANPI, have been determined.

Those sources flagged as extended in Rice et al. (1988, ApJS, 68, 91) have fluxes from that source. The ID type is taken directly from the the Format of the PSC.

Small Extended Sources: SES2
This is related to the SES2 flag in the Format of the Point Source Catalog. The SES2 flag indicates whether or not an object is flagged as extended (SES2 > 0, for a given band, in the PSC).


SES2 =  0 Not extended
 1  Extended at 12 microns
 2  Extended at 25 microns
 3  Extended at 12 and 25 microns
 4  Extended at 60 microns
 5  Extended at 12 and 60 microns
 6  Extended at 25 and 60 microns
 7  Extended at 12, 25, and 60 microns
 8  Extended in Rice et al. 1988, ApJS, 68, 91
Point Source Correlation: CC
This is the same as the CC entry for the 60 micron band in the Format of the Point Source Catalog. The point source correlation coefficient can have values between 87-100%. These are encoded as alphabetic characters with A=100, B=99...N=87, one value per band. The value quoted is for the highest correlation coefficient seen for that source on any sighting.
Variability Flag: VARFLAG
This is derived from the VAR flags in the Format of the Point Source Catalog. VARFLAG here is a measure of variability in the 12 and 25 micron bands.
                     n  No measure of variability available.
                     0  No variability measured.
                     N  Variability between 1 and 10%.
                     1  Variability between 10 and 20%
and so on.
Status flag: STATUSFLAG
The STATUSFLAG indicates the identification of the source, and, if it is a galaxy, the source of the redshift:
  • Galaxies: O,H,Z,F,B,D. The distinction between these is uninteresting, although Z indicates a source drawn from John Huchra's private version of ZCAT.
  • L: Local Group galaxy. This is given a separate flag. Non-galaxies:
  • M: HII region in external galaxy.
  • S: Star
  • s: Emission line star
  • C: Cirrus or dark cloud
  • P: Planetary nebula
  • R: Reflection Nebula
  • ? or E: Unidentified field.
These labels are by no means complete; only a fraction of these sources were observed at the telescope for this study. See Strauss et al. 1992 (ApJS, 83, 29) and Yahil et al. 1991 (ApJ, 372, 380) for discussion of the estimated number of sources flagged as cirrus that are indeed galaxies.
Flux density quality: FQUAL(4)
As in the Format of the Point Source Catalog. A flux density measurement can be either high quality (FQUAL=3), moderate quality (FQUAL=2) or an upper limit (FQUAL=1). One number is given for each band.
Optical identification: OPTID
Optical identification is from a matching of the combined UGC, Zwicky, and NGC catalogs, and is not complete. (Occasionally, these columns will contain obvious junk, which should be ignored.)
Optical magnitude: MAG
Magnitudes are from the same source as OPTID, and again are not complete.
Redshift: VEL, VELERR
Redshifts and errors are either as quoted in the literature, or measured by the authors (see Strauss et al. 1992, ApJS, 83, 29). All velocities are heliocentric.
ZCAT code of source: SOURCE
A four-digit number that codes the redshift source from ZCAT.
Galaxy type: TTYPE
The type of the galaxy from ZCAT.
Galaxy number: UNUMBER
Either the UGC or ESO number of the source.
RC2 magnitude: BT
The total magnitude, as defined in the RC2, for those few galaxies that have them.
Index of spectrum: SPECTRUM
An internal index for the optical spectrum, if one exists, of the galaxy in the CfA database.
The comments for the galaxy in ZCAT.
Coded Flux Density: PF(4)
Fluxes of the source as listed in the Point Source Catalog for those sources with ADDSCAN fluxes in columns 16-31; they are coded the same way as the fluxes NF (see above).