Data Access
Certain IRSA services will be unavailable due to maintenance on Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025, from 8:00-12:00 PDT (15:00-19:00 UTC)

[Adapted from the ADC on-line documentation.]

Final Product # 101: IMPS Final Product Formats Database

This lists formats of all the machine-readable IMPS final products including this one, # 101, but excluding the hard copy catalog, # 100. Short descriptions of each field as well as individual introductions to each table are included.

Definition of format for IMPS Final Product # 101:
Title  --  IMPS Formats Catalog
Header  --  Parameter, Format, Unit, Remark
List  --  Parameters, PC code formats, units and remarks
Note: For asteroid type = 1, asteroid identification number < 4680
For asteroid type = 2, asteroid identification number < 2633



Final Product # 102: IMPS Albedos and Diameters Database

A summary of the averaged results for 1,796 numbered asteroids and 88 Type-2 asteroids which have at least two final accepted band observations used. The results are collated by asteroid in ascending numerical order for types 1 and 2. Entries include: asteroid type, identification number, name or provisional designation for type 1 and provisional designation for type 2, absolute magnitude, number of sightings used, best values for averaged derived albedo and diameter together with the one sigma uncertainty for each, the probability that an intrisic flux variation ("lightcurve") influenced the results, the number of sightings (i.e., detected crossings of the IRAS focal plane), the number of fluxes ("observations") averaged, the fraction-observed ratio (i.e., the ratio of the total number of times the asteroid was predicted to cross the IRAS focal plane versus the actual number of crossings realized), and the 32-bit asteroid status word (ASTATW).


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-2 I2 --- AstTyp asteroid type
3-7 I5 --- AstID asteroid identification number
8-23 A16 --- Name IAU designation
24-28 F5.2 mag Mv absolute visual magnitude
29-34 F6.4 --- PHMean mean visual albedo on the H, G system
35-39 F5.3 --- u_PHMean 1 sigma pH uncertainty
40-46 F7.2 km DiaMean mean diameter
47-52 F6.1 --- u_DiaMean 1 sigma diameter uncertainty
53-56 F4.2 --- ProbLtCurv probability of lightcurve effects
57-58 I2 --- NUseSight number of used sightings
59-60 I2 --- NUseObs number of used observations (all bands)
61-64 F4.2 --- ratio fraction-observed ratio
65-96 A32 --- AStatW Or'd accepted status word bits


Final Product # 103: IMPS Singleton Database

A summary of the results for 94 numbered asteroids and 26 Type-2 asteroids which have only one final accepted band observation used. The format is the same used for # 102. The results are collated by asteroid in ascending numerical order for types 1 and 2. Entries include: asteroid type, identification number, name or provisional designation for type 1 and provisional designation for type 2, absolute magnitude, number of sightings used, best values for averaged derived albedo and diameter together with the one sigma uncertainty for each, the probability that an intrisic flux variation ("lightcurve") influenced the results, the number of sightings (i.e., detected crossings of the IRAS focal plane), the number of fluxes ("observations") averaged, the fraction-observed ratio (i.e., the ratio of the total number of times the asteroid was predicted to cross the IRAS focal plane versus the actual number of crossings realized), and the 32-bit asteroid status word (ASTATW). Because this format is identical to that for FP102, some counters can, and do, only have values of zero (e.g., ProbLtCurv) or unity (e.g., NUseSight and NUseObs).


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-2 I2 --- AstTyp asteroid type
3-7 I5 --- AstID asteroid identification number
8-23 A16 --- Name IAU designation
24-28 F5.2 mag Mv absolute visual magnitude
29-34 F6.4 --- PHMean mean visual albedo on the H, G system
35-39 F5.3 --- u_PHMean 1 sigma pH uncertainty
40-46 F7.2 km DiaMean mean diameter
47-52 F6.1 --- u_DiaMean 1 sigma diameter uncertainty
53-56 F4.2 --- ProbLtCurv probability of lightcurve effects
57-58 I2 --- NUseSight number of used sightings
59-60 I2 --- NUseObs number of used observations (all bands)
61-64 F4.2 --- ratio fraction-observed ratio
65-96 A32 --- AStatW Or'd accepted status word bits


Final Product # 104: IMPS Statistics Database

Summary of the number of times each asteroid was sighted, the number of times it was predicted to be scanned, and possible reasons for any failure to be detected. There is an entry for each of 4,679 numbered asteroids and 2,632 Type-2 asteroids (including those for which no IMPS sightings exist) collated by asteroid in ascending numerical order for types 1 and 2. Entries include: asteroid type, identification number, number of predicted sightings, number of accepted sightings, number of rejected sightings, number of missed predicted sightings, number of missed predicted faint sightings, number of dead 25 micron detector non-detections, number of noisy 25 micron detector non-detec- tions, number of missed predictions in the Galactic center region, and other non-detections.


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-2 I2 --- AstTyp asteroid type
3-7 I5 --- AstID asteroid identification number
8-9 I2 --- Psight predicted sightings
10-11 I2 --- Asight accepted sightings
12-13 I2 --- Rsight rejected sightings
14-15 I2 --- Msight missed predicted sightings
16-17 I2 --- Fsight too faint to expect a detection
18-19 I2 --- Dsight dead 25 micron detector non-detections
20-21 I2 --- Nsight noisy 25 micron detector non-detections
22-23 I2 --- Gsight Galactic center matches
24-25 I2 --- Osight other non-detections


Final Product # 105: IMPS Reject Database

Summary of the number of rejected sightings for each asteroid and possible reasons for rejection. There is an entry for each of 1,732 numbered asteroids and 655 Type-2 asteroids for which at least one sighting was rejected, col- lated by asteroid in ascending numerical order for types 1 and 2. Entries include: asteroid type, identification number, number of rejected sightings, number of weeks-confirmed (MCON) sightings, number of sightings confused with sources in the IRAS Point Source Catalog (PSC) Version 2, number of sightings whose detectors were all outer slots only (i.e., at the edge of the survey array), number of sightings confused with sources in the IRAS Faint Source Catalog (FSC) Version 2, number of sightings confused with sources in the IRAS Serendipitous Survey Catalog (SSC), number of times more than one source was associated with a single asteroid prediction, number of sightings with posi- tion match scores below the final threshold, 0.4 (these sightings are a subset of those with AStatW bit number 1 set), number of sightings detected only at 25 microns with flux status less than 5 (i.e., not fully seconds-confirmed), number of singletons with flux status less than 5, number of sightings with uniform cross-scan uncertainties above 5 arcmin, number of times the color test failed, number of sightings with at least one band having an unacceptable confusion status, number of sightings in which at least one band had an unnacceptably low detection correlation coefficient, number of rejected sightings in which the low-albedo test failed in at least one band, number of rejected sightings in which an albedo solution failed to converge in at least one band, and the number of rejected sightings in which an albedo was rejected from the final average by the Chauvenet criterion in at least one band.


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-2 I2 --- AstTyp asteroid type
3-7 I5 --- AstID asteroid identification number
8-9 I2 --- Rsight rejected sightings
10-11 I2 --- Wsight WCON sightings (AStatW bit # 5)
12-13 I2 --- PSCsight PSC matches (AStatW bit # 9)
14-15 I2 --- Osight outer slots only (AStatW bit # 10)
16-17 I2 --- FSCsight FSC matches (AStatW bit # 17)
18-19 I2 --- SSCsight SSC matches (AStatW bit # 20)
20-21 I2 --- Tsight 2+ sightings matches (AStatW bit # 31)
22-23 I2 --- Lsight low position-match score
24-25 I2 --- B2sight band-2-only with flux status < 5
26-27 I2 --- Ssight singletons with flux status < 5
28-29 I2 --- CSsight cross-scan uncertainty > 5 arcmin
30-31 I2 --- Cfail color failures
32-33 I2 --- Qsight confusion status failures
34-35 I2 --- CCfail correlation coefficient failures
36-37 I2 --- Lalbedo low albedos (< 0.01)
38-39 I2 --- NCalbedo albedo solutions not converged
40-41 I2 --- Ealbedo albedo eliminated by Chauvenet criterion


Final Product # 106: IMPS Missed-Predictions Database

Summary of the always-missed asteroids. The entries are collated by predicted asteroid in ascending numerical order for types 1 and 2. Entries include the asteroid type, identification number, number of times predicted to be scanned but missed, and the derived greatest lower limit on the albedo range and least upper limit on the diameter range for each asteroid plus the analogous OR'd AStatW status word. There is an entry for each of 1,653 numbered asteroids and 1,765 Type-2 asteroids which were scanned but did not generate any IMPS aster- oid associations. Entries include: asteroid type, number, name or provisional designation for type 1 and provisional designation for type 2, number of missed predicted scans, H, G, estimated visual albedo and diameter, the greatest lower bound on the albedo, the least upper bound on the diameter and the OR'd predic- tion status word.


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-2 I2 --- AstTyp asteroid type
3-7 I5 --- AstID asteroid identification number
8-23 A16 --- IAUName IAU designation
24-25 I2 --- NMiss no. of missed predicted scans
26-30 F5.2 mag Mv absolute visual magnitude
31-36 F6.3 --- slope slope parameter
37-42 F6.4 --- AlbEst visual albedo estimate
43-49 F7.2 km DiaMst diameter estimate
50-55 F6.4 --- AlbGLB greatest lower albedo limit
56-62 F7.2 km DiamLUB least upper diameter limit
63-94 A32 --- PStatW OR'd prediction status word bits


Final Product # 107: IMPS Ground-Based Data Database

A listing of ground-based and IRAS Asteroid and Comet Survey data used to reduce the IMPS observations. There is an entry for each of 4,679 numbered asteroids and 2,632 Type-2 asteroids (including those for which no IMPS sightings exist) collated by asteroid in ascending numerical order for types 1 and 2. Entries include: asteroid type, identification number, name or provisional designation for type 1 and provisional designation for type 2, H, G, the estimated (0.01 default) geometric visual albedo, the estimated diameter, the adopted taxonomic classification and the orbital elements at three epochs (time of perihelion passage, mean anomaly, argument of perihelion, longitude of ascending node, inclination, eccentricity and perihelion distance; the Julian dates of the epochs are 2445400.5, 2445500.5, and 2445600.5).

Because the total number of columns of data exceeds 255, Final Product # 107 is broken up into four files named FP107.A, FP107.B, FP107.C, and FP107.D, with the formats given below.

FP107.A Formats


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-2 I2 --- AstTyp asteroid type
3-7 I5 --- AstID asteroid identification number
8-23 A16 --- IAUName IAU designation
24-28 F5.2 mag Mv absolute visual magnitude
29-34 F6.3 --- slope slope parameter
35-40 F6.4 --- AlbEst estimated visual albedo (0.01 default)
41-47 F7.2 km DiaMst diameter estimate
48-50 A3 --- TClass taxonomic classification


FP107.B, FP107.C, and FP107.D Formats
(The lower case "n" in the parameter name is 1, 2, and 3 for FP107B, FP107.C, and FP107.D, respectively; these three files have identical formats and correspond to the three different epochs mentioned above.)


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-2 I2 --- AstTyp asteroid type
3-7 I5 --- AstID asteroid identification number
8-21 F14.5 d PJD time (Julian Date) of perihelion passage
22-32 F11.5 deg Mn mean anomaly
33-43 F11.5 deg APn argument of perihelion
44-54 F11.5 deg LAn longitude of ascending node
55-65 F11.5 deg In inclination
66-74 F9.6 --- En eccentricity
75-83 F9.6 AU PDnAU perihelion distance
84-92 F9.6 AU An semimajor axis


Final Product # 108: IMPS Sightings Database

A listing of 7,937 accepted sightings associated with 1,890 numbered asteroids and 273 accepted sightings associated with 114 Type-2 asteroids. The sightings are collated by asteroid in ascending numerical order for types 1 and 2. Entries include: asteroid type, identification number, date and UT of the observation, the IRAS sighting time tag, SOP and OBS numbers, the IRAS-derived observed right ascension and declination, twist angle, ecliptic longitude and latitude, Galactic longitude and latitude positions, heliocentric distance, geocentric distance, phase angle, predicted right ascension and declination position, predicted apparent visual magnitude, the derived albedo and diameter in each of the four IRAS bands along with their one-sigma uncertainties, in and cross-scan uncertainties and cross-scan uncertainty half-width, the position match score, the difference between the predicted and observed position, the factor used to correct for low flux over-estimation, the predicted flux density, the flux density observed (INCLUDING the low flux over-estimation correction), the flux density sigma, the signal to noise ratio, the detector ID array, the correlation coefficients, the derived status word, the confusion status word, the flux status, and the sighting status word.

Because the total number of columns of data exceeds 255, Final Product # 108 is broken up into three files named FP108.A, FP108.B, and FP108.C, with the formats given below.

FP108.A Formats


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-2 I2 --- AstTyp asteroid type
3-7 I5 --- AstID asteroid identification number
8-9 I2 --- ObsMonth month of observation (year 1983)
10-11 I2 --- ObsDay day of month of observation
12-13 I2 h ObsHour hour of observation (UTC)
14-15 I2 min ObsMin minute of observation (UTC)
16-17 I2 s ObsSec second of observation (UTC)
18-26 I9 0.1s AstNam sighting time tag
27-29 I3 --- SOP SOP number
30-31 I2 --- OBS OBS number
32-33 I2 h RAh right ascension (observed)
34-35 I2 min RAm RA minute
36-39 F4.1 s RAs [0/60] RA sec
40 A1 --- DE- sign of declination
41-42 I2 deg DEd declination (observed) degrees
43-44 I2 arcmin DEm DEC minutes
45-46 I2 arcsec DEs [0/60] DEC seconds
47-51 F5.1 deg AstGaC celestial twist angle
52-59 F8.4 deg ELong ecliptic longitude
60-67 F8.4 deg ELat ecliptic latitude
68-75 F8.4 deg GLong Galactic longitude
76-83 F8.4 deg GLat Galactic latitude
84-89 F6.3 AU Hdist heliocentric distance
90-95 F6.3 AU Gdist geocentric distance
96-102 F7.2 deg PrdAlp phase angle (negative before opp.)
103-104 I2 h PRAh right ascension (predicted)
105-106 I2 min PRAm RA minute "
107-110 F4.1 s PRAs RA sec "
111-113 I3 deg PDEd declination (predicted)
114-115 I2 m PDEm DEC minute "
116-117 I2 s PDEs DEC second "
118-122 F5.2 mag V apparent visual magnitude
123-146 4F6.4 --- Albedo derived visual albedo (four bands)
147-170 4F6.4 --- u_Albedo 1-sigma uncertainties in Albedo
171-198 4F7.2 km Diam diameter (four bands)
199-226 4F7.2 --- u_Diam 1-sigma uncertainties in Diam


FP108.B Formats


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-2 I2 --- AstTyp asteroid type
3-7 I5 --- AstID asteroid identification number
8-9 I2 --- ObsMonth month of observation (year 1983)
10-11 I2 --- ObsDay day of month of observation
12-13 I2 h ObsHour hour of observation (UTC)
14-15 I2 min ObsMin minute of observation (UTC)
16-17 I2 s ObsSec second of observation (UTC)
18-22 F5.3 arcmin AstSgY one sigma in scan uncertainty
23-27 F5.3 arcmin AstSgZ one sigma cross scan uncertainty
28-33 F6.3 arcmin AstLZ cross scan uncertainty half width
34-38 F5.3 --- Score position match score
39-45 F7.1 arcsec PosDiff position difference |pred - obs|
46-65 4F5.3 --- FCorr low flux correction factor (four bands)
66-93 4F7.3 Jy PrdFlx predicted flux density (four bands)
94-125 4F8.3 Jy AstFlx observed flux density (four bands)
126-157 4F8.3 Jy AstSgF flux density sigma (four bands)
158-185 4F7.2 --- AstSNR signal to noise ratio (four bands)


FP108.C Formats


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1-2 I2 --- AstTyp asteroid type
3-7 I5 --- AstID asteroid identification number
8-9 I2 --- ObsMonth month of observation (year 1983)
10-11 I2 --- ObsDay day of month of observation
12-13 I2 h ObsHour hour of observation (UTC)
14-15 I2 min ObsMin minute of observation (UTC)
16-17 I2 s ObsSec second of observation (UTC)
18-37 4I5 --- AstDts detector id array (four bands)
38-49 4I3 --- AstCor correlation coefficients (four bands)
50-81 4I8 --- ADStat derived status word (four bands) bits
82-113 4I8 --- AstCSt confusion status word (four bands) bits
114-117 4I1 --- AstFSt flux status word (four bands)
118-149 A32 --- AStatW sighting status word bits

