Data Access

CosmoDC2: Mock galaxy catalog from Rubin sky simulations

Mission Characteristics

Background: CosmoDC2 is a large, mock galaxy catalog originally designed to support precision dark energy surveys with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. The catalog is based on a trillion-particle, (4.225 Gpc)^3 box cosmological N-body simulation, the Outer Rim run. For the mock catalog generation, a new hybrid technique is used that combines data-driven empirical approaches with semi-analytical galaxy modeling.
Wavelength: 30 top-hat filters spanning the range from 0.1 to 2 microns and LSST ugrizy filters.
Area Coverage: 440 sq. deg.
Available quantities: magnitudes in broad band filters, line and continuum luminosity, redshift, halo mass, black hole mass, stellar mass, galaxy shapes (e.g. ellipticity, half-light radius, and Sersic Index), and galaxy shear.
List of the full columns with explanations
Redshift Coverage: 0<z<3
Simulation Codes:
  • N-body simulation, the Outer Rim run, using the Hybrid/Hardware Accelerated Cosmology Code (HACC)
  • UniverseMachine and AlphaQ simulations
  • Hybrid approach combining empirical methods with semi-analytic modeling using the Galacticus code.
Science Products Generated: Galaxy mock catalog v1 (cosmoDC2MockV1)
Releases: Dec 2020: cosmoDC2MockV1
Funding Agency: DOE with NASA contributions towards archiving

IRSA Services - Public Data Release 1

CosmoDC2 Catalog Catalog query. Typical users should start with the abridged catalog. Users interested in very low-mass galaxies should query one of the unabridged catalogs, both of which have the same content. Queries with spatial constraints may be faster on the spatially-partitioned catalog.
Documentation Documentation for CosmoDC2
Python Tutorial Python Tutorial
Youtube Tutorial Youtube Tutorial

Other Resources:

GCR Catalogs: A python package that serves the cosmoDC2 MockV1 catalog
Accessing cosmoDC2 with the GCR Catalogs