Data Access

This section describes step-by-step usage examples of how to build queries with Gator. The examples include links to sample outputs. The values in quotes are entered in the forms without the quotes.

Example 1:

Perform a cone search of all measurements within 1 degree of M51 in the 2MASS Second Incremental Release Point Source Catalog; return ra, dec, J, H and K magnitudes, with output records ordered by K magnitude.

  1. At the start-up page, choose the 2MASS Second Incremental Release Point Source Catalog by clicking the selection button for that catalog; click 'Select' to bring up the query builder window for that catalog.
  2. SPATIAL CONSTRAINTS: Select "Single Object Search" and enter "M51". Select "Cone," and enter radius of radial search ('PA' and "axial ratio' can be left blank for circular searches).
  3. COLUMN CONSTRAINTS: type 'k_m' in the Order By space. Check the box in the "Sel" column for ra, dec, j_m, h_m and k_m; uncheck the "Sel" column for other columns.
  4. ADDITIONAL CONSTRAINTS: clear out any constraints typed in this space.
  5. Click "Run Query"
  6. The Process Monitor window is brought up - see sample. Click "Check Query Status" to bring up the processing log for the job. "Elapse" shows the elapsed time since the query was submitted, and the field to the right specifies whether this was submitted to the DBMS as a foreground or background job. Upon completion, this field changes to "Job finished," in which case the user can view the results file using the link provided under "Query Results" The user can abort a job in process by clicking the "Stop Process" button.

Example 2:

Find all sources in the 2MASS Second Incremental Release Point Source Catalog that lie within 60 arcseconds of a list of sources; list the standard column output for these sources, and have a link to the results returned via e-mail upon completion.

  1. At the start-up page, choose the 2MASS Second Incremental Release Point Source Catalog by clicking the selection button for that catalog; click 'Select' to bring up the query builder window for that catalog.
  2. SPATIAL CONSTRAINTS: select "Multi-Object Search". Enter the path and name of the text file containing the source list, or select it from the browse feature. The table must be formatted according to rules given in the table upload help file - click here for a sample file.
  3. OPTIONS: Enter a fully qualified email address; e.g. sam@astro.jupiter.edu.
  4. COLUMN CONSTRAINTS: click 'Standard' column selection
  5. ADDITIONAL CONSTRAINTS: clear out any constraints typed in this space.
  6. Click "Run Query".
  7. The Process Monitor window is brought up - see details under Step 6 in Example 1 above. Alternatively, the user can read the email from IRSA that provides a processing summary and a link to the output file.

Example 3:

Simple query on the 2MASS Second Incremental Release Point Source catalog to retrieve all columns for all point sources fainter than 15th magnitude and confined to a strip of sky between declinations 17 and 18 degrees.

  1. At the start-up page, choose the 2MASS Second Incremental Release Point Source Catalog by clicking the selection button for that catalog; click select to bring up the query builder window for that catalog.
  2. SPATIAL CONSTRAINTS: Select "All-Sky Search" to search the entire catalog without spatial constraints.
  3. OPTIONS: Enter a fully qualified email address; e.g. sam@astro.jupiter.edu.
  4. COLUMN CONSTRAINTS: click "Long Form."
  5. ADDITIONAL CONSTRAINTS: clear out any constraints typed in the space; type '(j_m > 15) and (h_m > 15) and (k_m > 15) and (dec between 17 and 18)'.
  6. Click "Run Query".
  7. Same as Step 7 in Example 2 above.