Data Access
Certain IRSA services will be unavailable due to maintenance on Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025, from 8:00-12:00 PDT (15:00-19:00 UTC)

Catalog Data Dictionary Form Service (CatDD)

For Project Internal Data Dictionaries

CGI parameters:
mode optional html___display Gator query page in HTML. (default)
xml ___output DD content in XML.
proj required project_name
project_name required proj_password
catalog required catalog name inside DBMS
short optional 1___display short DD with default column selections (default).
0___display long DD with all columns.
Short DD means the default lit of columns on the Gator query page;
long DD means full list of columns on the Gator query page.
Examples: Short List Long List
  XML HTML    
 Note: Netscape 7.0, Opera, and Safari do not render XML structures correctly.

Fill in the password for a specific project database, and then click project_name to
get IRSA internal project catalog holdings.

Project Internal DataBase (Password Protected)
Two micron All-Sky Survey Project Databases
COSMOS Database
MIPSGAL Database
SWIRE Database
Research Database
  Note: No examples are given, because query internal database requires password.


For External Catalogs

The CGI parameters:
onlist optional 1___catalog is visible through Gator web interface (default).
0___catalog has been ingested into IRSA but not yet visible through web interface.
This parameter will generally only be set when users are supporting testing and
evaluation of new catalogs at IRSA's request.
mode optional html___display Gator query page in HTML (default).
xml ___output DD content in XML.
short optional 1___display short DD with default column selections (default).
0___display long DD with all columns
Short DD means the default list of columns on the Gator query page; long DD means full lit of columns on the Gator query page.
catalog required catalog name inside the database
database required database name
server required symbolic database server name
desc optional short description of a specific catalog.
ddfile optional data dictionary name in DBMS used to get
column information regarding a specific catalog.
ddlink optional document in html for a specific data dictionary.
xpffile optional pprocess files for speed up cross comparison.
pos optional Flag to indicate if the catalog contains positional information.
Form Examples:
Catalog description
Data dictionary (DD)
DD link for detail description
Symbolic database server name
Xpf File name
Does Catalog have Ra and Dec?
Note: Netscape 7.0, Opera, and Safeir do not render the XML structure correctly.
URL examples:
(1) Without detail column descriptions (ddlink is not defined)
View Result in HTML
(2) With detail column descriptions
View Result in HTML.