Data Access

Gator Derived Columns

Derived Columns for Every Spatial Catalog Search

The computed distance, in arcseconds, from the input position to the cataloged position of this source.

The computed angle, in degrees east of north, from the input position to the cataloged position of this source.

The computed ra (J2000 EQ) in sexigesimal.

The computed dec (J2000 EQ) in sexigesimal.

Derived Columns for 2MASS Catalogs

The J-H color, computed from the J-band and H-band magnitudes (j_m and h_m, respectively) of the source. In cases where the first or second digit in rd_flg is equal to either "0", "4", "6", or "9", no color is computed because the photometry in one or both bands is of lower quality or the source is not detected.

The H-Ks color, computed from the H-band and Ks-band magnitudes (h_m and k_m, respectively) of the source. In cases where the second or third digit in rd_flg is equal to either "0", "4", "6", or "9", no color is computed because the photometry in one or both bands is of lower quality or the source is not detected.

The J-Ks color, computed from the J-band and Ks-band magnitudes (j_m and k_m, respectively) of the source. In cases where the first or third digit in rd_flg is equal to either "0", "4", "6", or "9", no color is computed because the photometry in one or both bands is of lower quality or the source is not detected.

Derived Columns for GLIMPSE Catalogs

The 3.6 minus 4.5 um color, in magnitudes, computed from mag3_6 and mag4_5. If either of the individual magnitudes is null, the color is reported as null.

The 3.6 minus 5.8 um color, in magnitudes, computed from mag3_6 and mag5_8. If either of the individual magnitudes is null, the color is reported as null.

The 3.6 minus 8.0 um color, in magnitudes, computed from mag3_6 and mag8_0. If either of the individual magnitudes is null, the color is reported as null.

The 4.5 minus 5.8 um color, in magnitudes, computed from mag4_5 and mag5_8. If either of the individual magnitudes is null, the color is reported as null.

The 4.5 minus 8.0 um color, in magnitudes, computed from mag4_5 and mag8_0. If either of the individual magnitudes is null, the color is reported as null.

The 5.8 minus 8.0 um color, in magnitudes, computed from mag5_8 and mag8_0. If either of the individual magnitudes is null, the color is reported as null.

Derived Columns for DENIS Catalogs

The I-J color, computed from the I-band and J-band magnitudes (ipsf and jpsf, respectively) of the source. If either of the individual magnitudes is null, the color is reported as null.

The I-Ks color, computed from the I-band and Ks-band magnitudes (ipsf and kpsf, respectively) of the source. If either of the individual magnitudes is null, the color is reported as null.

The J-Ks color, computed from the J-band and Ks-band magnitudes (jpsf and kpsf, respectively) of the source. If either of the individual magnitudes is null, the color is reported as null.