Data Access
WISE/NEOWISE Coadder Moving Object/Stacking Input

For Solar System objects, you can simply input a valid object name or identifier. Or you can provide a table that has object positions and the single-exposure images containing those positions at the time the image was taken (the object does not need to be in the Solar System). The easiest way to get a table is through the WISE Image Archive, as described below. This has the advantage of letting you see the individual images.

NOTE: It is important to limit the time range for band 1 or 2 moving object searches or the service may time out. If you are not sure of the WISE coverage, it is advisable to use the table method, searching the WISE Image Archive 1-2 years at a time to build the image table.

The Coadder recenters a cutout of each image and assigns the recentered position to the RA and Dec of the first listed position (see Section 8.9 of the ICORE Software Description). The recentered footprints are currently fixed at 0.077 deg, so there is nothing gained by making the output mosaic any bigger than this.

Solar System object name input: Input a unique, valid object name, e.g. Ada, or asteroid number, e.g. 523. "523 Ada" is not allowed. A preliminary asteroid designation like 2012 DA14 is allowed. Comet numbers, e.g. P/17, are allowed, but note that the Coadder just shifts images, so objects with extended, rotating features will not reproduce well.

Table with list of positions and frames: Use the [Choose File] button to select a table file on your computer that contains moving object positions and image identifiers. The file should be an IPAC table in the format below. The filename should not have spaces in it.

The table should be in the WISE-style format that the WISE Image Archive delivers for a Solar System object search (see below). If the format is obeyed, the user may put in a non-Solar System object. Not all columns delivered are necessary: the required columns are: ra_obj, dec_obj, scan_id, frame_num, band, mjd_obs (or unixt is ok), dtanneal, moon_sep, saa_sep, and qual_frame. The column definitions are here .

|ra_obj    |dec_obj   |scan_id|frame_num|band  |mjd_obs       |dtanneal        |moon_sep|saa_sep|qual_frame|
|double    |double    |char   |int      |int   |double        |double          |double  |double |int       |
|          |          |       |         |      |              |                |        |       |          |
|null      |null      |null   |null     |null  |null          |null            |null    |null   |null      |
 162.551992 2.788352   205015a  56        1      55345.4321834 30800.8655597568 103.7    86.669  10        

Download the full example table .

Getting a moving object image table from the WISE Image Archive: From the WISE Image Archive, select Solar System Object/Orbit and input your object. Choose all Image Sets but only one wavelength band. Click Search. On the output page click the icon with rows at View Options. Above the table header, click on the diskette icon to save the table.