Data Access
WISE/NEOWISE Coadder User Image Input

Images to be mosaiced can be defined in a WISE-style format table.

Use the [Choose File] button to select a table file on your computer that contains identifiers for the selected images. The file should be an IPAC table in the format below. The filename should not have spaces in it.

The format below is what the Coadder delivers back to the user in the "Frames Used" table on the output page. One can submit such a table back to the Coadder, perhaps with undesired frames deleted. Not all columns are necessary; the only required columns are: scan_id, frame_num, band, qual_frame, moon_sep, dtanneal, saa_sep, unixt (or mjd_obs is ok). The column definitions are here .

|     in_ra|    in_dec|scan_id|scangrp|frame_num|band|qual_frame|moon_sep|           dtanneal| saa_sep|            unixt|
|    double|    double|   char|   char|      int| int|       int|   float|             double|   float|           double|
|       deg|       deg|       |       |         |    |          |     deg|                  s|     deg|                s|
|          |          |   null|   null|     null|null|      null|    null|               null|    null|             null|
  194.25974    22.0313  05709a      9a       169    1         10   39.627   25465.54363912340  105.424  1277112207.11299 

Download the full example table .

Note: Make sure that the requested mosaic center and size provide overlap with the images in the user input image list, e.g. you may have to remember what output was requested when you saved a "Frames Used" table. For the example table, the center was GD 153, and the size was 0.02 by 0.02 deg.