ISO Observation Visualizer: An Introduction and Instructions for use.
The purpose of the ISO Visualizer is to provide the following functions:
- To provide, by means of an allsky map, an overview of all ISO observations.
- To visualize the ISO observation coverage of a specified spatial region.
- To provide the relevant observing parameters and access to the original proposal abstracts.
- To provide a URL link to ESA's ISO postcard server.
The latter two are provided for observations that are within the spatial coverage constraints provided via the first two services. This service does NOT provide access to actual ISO data. Please follow the guidelines and links provided by ESA's ISO postcard server for how to retrieve and use the ISO data.
The ISSA images are used for ISO coverage overlays. Additionally, IRAS Point source catalog and Faint source catalog may also be retrieved to compare with the ISO coverage.
Important Notes on the ISO coverage map displays:
- When the spatial size of individual ISO instrument aperture is smaller than the ISSA plate resolution, symbols representing the instrument are used to denote coverage rather than the actual footprint of the instrument aperture. This may explain why LWS observations, for example, switch from circles to "x".
- The spatial size of the background ISSA images is currently limited to five choices: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 and 12.5 degrees per side squares.
How to use this service:
The main panel contains a text field for location information, a selectable set of image sizes, and a set of optional overlay selections.
- Start by specifying the location information. The location information can take the form of coordinates in a variety of formats (see the examples at the bottom of main panel) or can be an object name. If it is the latter, first NED and then SIMBAD are checked to attempt name resolution. You can also select a location by clicking a point on the allsky image, however, keep in mind that the pixel resolution of the allsky image is 0.5 degree, so you might not get the precision you desire.
- Select the options for the output page. These include: (i) specifying the size of the background image (5 choices available), (ii) the set of ISSA/IRAS plates for displaying the ISO coverage, (iii) whether to include IRAS point/faint source catalogs.
- Click submit to send your request.
The output:
The data panel that results from submission of the job contains:
- The map(s) of the region (depending upon the options selected for display). ISSA image(s) and an Equatorial J2000 coordinate grid, overlayed with ISO observation coverage.
- On the overlays, either the ISO apertures are drawn or symbols are used to denote coverage (see the note above).
- IRAS sources (if selected for display) are scaled by magnitude or flux as appropriate and are color coded. Please consult the legend information provided with the output image.
- The attributes of ISO observations and the link to ESA's postcard server, which provides detailed description of that specific ISO observation, are provided in tabular form for each instrument.
For further information:
Please contact the
ISO Helpdesk for questions
regarding the ISO project.
Contact the IRSA Helpdesk for
technical problems with this Visualizer.