IRSA Catalog Search Service

The CGI program:


on this server returns an ASCII catalog subset table.

CGI parameters:

  • server: DBMS server holding catalog (see below).

  • database: Database containing catalog (see below).

  • catalog: Specific catalog table (see below).

  • sql: Complete SQL SELECT statement to be run.

  • polygon: Convex polygon of coordinate location strings, separated by commas. Each coordinate location can be a fully qualified coordinate with the default assumed to be a pair of equatorial J2000 decimal degree numbers (e.g. 270. 45.).

  • within: Radius for cone search (with units or default to degrees).

  • objstr: Object name or coordinate string for cone search (fairly free-form).

What catalogs exist and what server and database they belong to can be determined using the IRSA Catalog Holdings List service. The fields of a specific catalog can be determined using the IRSA Catalog Data Dictionary service.

The SQL statement must contain at least the SELECT and FROM clauses and can contain a WHERE clause if desired (in addition to or instead of the positional constraints).

polygon and within / objstr are mutually exclusive. Neither are required, though in this case the SQL statement should contain a WHERE clause.

The output table will be limited to 100,000 records.
