The VAO Sky Statistics tool is actually five services in one. For a circular
aperture on the sky, it searches a set of custom data structures to determine
which VAO-accessible catalogs have data in that region. So far, the
service covers the IRSA, NED, and CDS VizieR holdings with more in process
(several thousand catalogs in all).
For each catalogs covering the region, the results of the basic
sky statistics search include a count of sources, a shorthand catalog
ID (which links to the appropriate archive-specific data download
service and can be used to retrieve the catalog subset), the catalog
description (which links to catalog-specific documentation) and a
thumbnail all-sky coverage map (in Galactic coordinates.


The thumbnail link in the source count table above links to a
service which shows set of pre-generated coverage maps for the
catalog: Equatorial and Galactic; source density and coverage
masks; JPEG and FITS; and different resolutions.
The last column in the source count table is a checkbox. Several
catalogs can be selected on this page and then one of two "composite"
views can be generated. The first is a composite all-sky coverage
map, showing the fraction of the selected catalogs with data in
the map pixels (this does not imply the catalogs have sources in
common, however). Also generated is a map of just those pixels
covered by all the selected catalogs.


The other composite is a source map for the original region of
interest, showing the exact location of all the sources from
the selected catalog.