IRAS Scan Processing and Integration (Scanpi)

Classic Scanpi vs. Scanpi 6.0

Example: IRAS 03419+6756

Version 6.0 of Scanpi (released in 2007) was a re-write of the classic software, Scanpi, version 5.0. There is a list of differences between the classic and new version. In order to illustrate some of these differences, both versions of Scanpi have been run on the extended source IRAS 03419+6756 (aka IC 342), and some of the results for Band 1 (12 microns) are used below to explain a few of the key software changes.

Fitting & Display Parameter Ranges

Classic Scanpi default fitting parameters limited the user to a narrow range and view around the source center (for Band 1, +/- 7.5 arcmin) . The tabular and graphical data left the user with the impression that the background around the source is flat. Figure 1 below, shows the median coadd scan (#1002) for classic Scanpi. Note that there is no option in classic Scanpi to change the display range of the plot, and therefore is it not possible to see beyond the narrow fitting range.

Figure 1

Using the new Scanpi, one can see that the source is actually a galaxy containing a bright nucleus (Figure 2). The default parameters fit the individual scan global background to +/- 60 arcmin, followed by a local background of +/- 30 arcmin. One can set the display range to +/- 30 arcmin to see the galaxy distinctly above the background level, along with the bright central source. One can reset the fitting parameters to better fit a particular source. Intermediate plots are accessible to see every step of the new Scanpi processing. Figure 2 shows the median coadd scan (#1002) for new Scanpi. On the left is a zoomed out view +/- 30 arcmin of center, with default fitting; on the right is a re-fit using +/- 8.0 arcmin as the local background fit and view range, +/- 3.0 acrmin for source fit exclude range. Note, depending on how the global and local background were fit, the peak amplitude and flux between the classic and new versions of Scanpi may differ.

Figure 2

Scan Direction

Displayed results from classic Scanpi vs. new Scanpi may be flipped with respect to the source center (zero). Figures 1 and 2 are flipped; in Figure 1, the smaller of the two peaks is to the right of center (positive) and in Figure 2, this feature is to the left of center (negative). Therefore the Scanpi "miss" value (the in-scan deviation of signal peak from the user-specified target position in arcminutes) should be thought of in terms of absolute value offset from zero. The user should be aware that a majority of the results using the new Scanpi are flipped with respect to classic Scanpi.

The new code chooses the nominal scan direction so that the majority of scans will be 'forward'; the rest are 'reverse'. Classic Scanpi used different logic, with the 'forward' scans controlled by whichever one was closest to going due North. Figure 3 below shows the scan tracks for classic Scanpi (on the left) and new Scanpi (on the right). Scan number are written at the beginning of the scan to indicate direction, in both diagrams. Classic Scanpi scans are mostly from top left towards bottom right (pointing southeast). The new Scanpi scans are mostly from bottom right towards top left (pointing northwest). Direction is basically arbitrary, as long as the logic of reversed scans from the primary direction are noted correctly with respect to the system chosen. Classic and new Scanpi are consistent in terms of the number of scans in one direction vs. the opposite direction.

Figure 3

Template for Source Fitting

Source fitting uses a point source template to calculate the best fit with the lowest correlation coefficient. There are three templates available for fitting - a forward direction template, a reverse direction template and an average of those two. Classic Scanpi used either the forward or reverse template for individual scan source fitting, depending on the direction of the scan. It used the average template for all coaddition source fitting. The new Scanpi used the same template logic for the individual scan source fitting. However, for the coadd source fitting, new Scanpi chooses the template according to a 2/3rds major direction of the scans. For example, if more than 2/3rds of the scans in the coadd are forward, then the forward template is used for source fitting. If more than 2/3rds of the scans in the coadd are reverse, then the reverse template is used for source fitting. If there is no 2/3rd majority, then the average template is used. This affects the "amp" and "corr_coef" results.

The scan tracks in Figure 3 above show that this source had all but two scans traveling in one direction. Classic Scanpi refers to the majority of the scans as all being "reverse", and two being "forward". In the coadd source fitting, the average template was used to fit the source. In the new Scanpi, all but two the scans are considered "forward". In the coadd source fitting, the forward template was used to fit the source since more than 2/3rds of the scans are forward.

SIGMA and SNR Values

SIGMA, and therefore SNR, are calculated differently for the classic and new versions of Scanpi. Classic Scanpi uses the "goodness" of the coadd background fit (within the fitting range, minus the source exclude range) as SIGMA.

The new version of Scanpi gives access to the data files associated with the individual scans and coadded scans, for every step of processing. The user can use these data files themselves as a check on the SIGMA calculations or use their own if they so choose. SIGMA is calculated as the square root of the variance, where variance is the average of the squared differences between data points and the mean. For the individual scans, the entire +/- 60 arcmin range (minus the source exclude range) is used in the SIGMA calculations. For the coadded scans, the background fitting range (minus the source exclude range) is used for coadd scan SIGMA calculations.

In both versions of Scanpi, one needs to multiply calculated SIGMA by 1000 to match the tabular results, since the units are in mJy. Also in both versions, signal-to-noise (SNR) calculations are the same, where SNR = PEAK/SIGMA. The SNR values are different for the two versions, since they depend on SIGMA.