Publication Details


The Anatomy of Star Formation in NGC 300


Helou, G. and Roussel, H. and Appleton, P. and Frayer, D. and Stolovy, S. and Storrie-Lombardi, L. and Hurt, R. and Lowrance, P. and Makovoz, D. and Masci, F. and Surace, J. and Gordon, K. D. and Alonso-Herrero, A. and Engelbracht, C. W. and Misselt, K. and Rieke, G. and Rieke, M. and Willner, S. P. and Pahre, M. and Ashby, M. L. N. and Fazio, G. G. and Smith, H. A.



, 2004, 154, 253-258

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