Data Access

Publication Details


Ultraviolet and Infrared Diagnostics of Star Formation and Dust in NGC 7331


Thilker, David A. and Boissier, Samuel and Bianchi, Luciana and Calzetti, Daniela and Boselli, Alessandro and Dale, Daniel A. and Seibert, Mark and Braun, Robert and Burgarella, Denis and Gil de Paz, Armando and Helou, George and Walter, Fabian and Kennicutt, R. C., Jr. and Madore, Barry F. and Martin, D. Christopher and Barlow, Tom A. and Forster, Karl and Friedman, Peter G. and Morrissey, Patrick and Neff, Susan G. and Schiminovich, David and Small, Todd and Wyder, Ted K. and Donas, José and Heckman, Timothy M. and Lee, Young-Wook and Milliard, Bruno and Rich, R. Michael and Szalay, Alex S. and Welsh, Barry Y. and Yi, Sukyoung K.



, 2007, 173, 572-596

Data Sets Used

Note: A "More Missions" icon indicates one or more data sets from among: COSMOS, BLAST, BOLOCAM, IRTS, MSX, SWAS, BRAVA, MUSYC, GPIPS, HERON. Follow the icon link for data set descriptions.

A best-effort attempt was made to match publications with data sets actually used given available resources. It is possible that in some cases data sets were missed or the publication's use of the data set was indirect or incidental.