Publication Details


CLOUDS search for variability in brown dwarf atmospheres. Infrared spectroscopic time series of L/T transition brown dwarfs


Goldman, B. and Cushing, M. C. and Marley, M. S. and Artigau, É. and Baliyan, K. S. and Béjar, V. J. S. and Caballero, J. A. and Chanover, N. and Connelley, M. and Doyon, R. and Forveille, T. and Ganesh, S. and Gelino, C. R. and Hammel, H. B. and Holtzman, J. and Joshi, S. and Joshi, U. C. and Leggett, S. K. and Liu, M. C. and Martín, E. L. and Mohan, V. and Nadeau, D. and Sagar, R. and Stephens, D.



, 2008, 487, 277-292

Data Sets Used

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