Publication Details
Title | Kepler-10 c: a 2.2 Earth Radius Transiting Planet in a Multiple System |
Author(s) | Fressin, François and Torres, Guillermo and Désert, Jean-Michel and Charbonneau, David and Batalha, Natalie M. and Fortney, Jonathan J. and Rowe, Jason F. and Allen, Christopher and Borucki, William J. and Brown, Timothy M. and Bryson, Stephen T. and Ciardi, David R. and Cochran, William D. and Deming, Drake and Dunham, Edward W. and Fabrycky, Daniel C. and Gautier, Thomas N., III and Gilliland, Ronald L. and Henze, Christopher E. and Holman, Matthew J. and Howell, Steve B. and Jenkins, Jon M. and Kinemuchi, Karen and Knutson, Heather and Koch, David G. and Latham, David W. and Lissauer, Jack J. and Marcy, Geoffrey W. and Ragozzine, Darin and Sasselov, Dimitar D. and Still, Martin and Tenenbaum, Peter and Uddin, Kamal |
Journal | ApJS , 2011, 197, 5 |
ADS | 2011ApJS..197....5F |
DOI | 10.1088/0067-0049/197/1/5 |
Data Sets Used
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