Publication Details


Dust-correlated cm wavelength continuum emission from translucent clouds \zeta Oph and LDN 1780


Vidal, M. and Casassus, S. and Dickinson, C. and Witt, A. N. and Castellanos, P. and Davies, R. D. and Davis, R. J. and Cabrera, G. and Cleary, K. and Allison, J. R. and Bond, J. R. and Bronfman, L. and Bustos, R. and Jones, M. E. and Paladini, R. and Pearson, T. J. and Readhead, A. C. S. and Reeves, R. and Sievers, J. L. and Taylor, A. C.



, 2011, 414, 2424-2435

Data Sets Used

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