Publication Details


Modeling Dust and Starlight in Galaxies Observed by Spitzer and Herschel: NGC 628 and NGC 6946


Aniano, G. and Draine, B. T. and Calzetti, D. and Dale, D. A. and Engelbracht, C. W. and Gordon, K. D. and Hunt, L. K. and Kennicutt, R. C. and Krause, O. and Leroy, A. K. and Rix, H. -W. and Roussel, H. and Sandstrom, K. and Sauvage, M. and Walter, F. and Armus, L. and Bolatto, A. D. and Crocker, A. and Donovan Meyer, J. and Galametz, M. and Helou, G. and Hinz, J. and Johnson, B. D. and Koda, J. and Montiel, E. and Murphy, E. J. and Skibba, R. and Smith, J. -D. T. and Wolfire, M. G.



, 2012, 756, 138

Data Sets Used

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