Publication Details


Three New Eclipsing White-dwarf-M-dwarf Binaries Discovered in a Search for Transiting Planets around M-dwarfs


Law, Nicholas M. and Kraus, Adam L. and Street, Rachel and Fulton, Benjamin J. and Hillenbrand, Lynne A. and Shporer, Avi and Lister, Tim and Baranec, Christoph and Bloom, Joshua S. and Bui, Khanh and Burse, Mahesh P. and Cenko, S. Bradley and Das, H. K. and Davis, Jack. T. C. and Dekany, Richard G. and Filippenko, Alexei V. and Kasliwal, Mansi M. and Kulkarni, S. R. and Nugent, Peter and Ofek, Eran O. and Poznanski, Dovi and Quimby, Robert M. and Ramaprakash, A. N. and Riddle, Reed and Silverman, Jeffrey M. and Sivanandam, Suresh and Tendulkar, Shriharsh P.



, 2012, 757, 133

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