Data Access

Publication Details


76 T dwarfs from the UKIDSS LAS: benchmarks, kinematics and an updated space density


Burningham, Ben and Cardoso, C. V. and Smith, L. and Leggett, S. K. and Smart, R. L. and Mann, A. W. and Dhital, S. and Lucas, P. W. and Tinney, C. G. and Pinfield, D. J. and Zhang, Z. and Morley, C. and Saumon, D. and Aller, K. and Littlefair, S. P. and Homeier, D. and Lodieu, N. and Deacon, N. and Marley, M. S. and van Spaandonk, L. and Baker, D. and Allard, F. and Andrei, A. H. and Canty, J. and Clarke, J. and Day-Jones, A. C. and Dupuy, T. and Fortney, J. J. and Gomes, J. and Ishii, M. and Jones, H. R. A. and Liu, M. and Magazzรบ, A. and Marocco, F. and Murray, D. N. and Rojas-Ayala, B. and Tamura, M.



, 2013, 433, 457-497

Data Sets Used

Note: A "More Missions" icon indicates one or more data sets from among: COSMOS, BLAST, BOLOCAM, IRTS, MSX, SWAS, BRAVA, MUSYC, GPIPS, HERON. Follow the icon link for data set descriptions.

A best-effort attempt was made to match publications with data sets actually used given available resources. It is possible that in some cases data sets were missed or the publication's use of the data set was indirect or incidental.