Publication Details


IPAC Image Processing and Data Archiving for the Palomar Transient Factory


Laher, Russ R. and Surace, Jason and Grillmair, Carl J. and Ofek, Eran O. and Levitan, David and Sesar, Branimir and van Eyken, Julian C. and Law, Nicholas M. and Helou, George and Hamam, Nouhad and Masci, Frank J. and Mattingly, Sean and Jackson, Ed and Hacopeans, Eugean and Mi, Wei and Groom, Steve and Teplitz, Harry and Desai, Vandana and Hale, David and Smith, Roger and Walters, Richard and Quimby, Robert and Kasliwal, Mansi and Horesh, Assaf and Bellm, Eric and Barlow, Tom and Waszczak, Adam and Prince, Thomas A. and Kulkarni, Shrinivas R.



, 2014, 126, 674

Data Sets Used

Note: A "More Missions" icon indicates one or more data sets from among: COSMOS, BLAST, BOLOCAM, IRTS, MSX, SWAS, BRAVA, MUSYC, GPIPS, HERON. Follow the icon link for data set descriptions.

A best-effort attempt was made to match publications with data sets actually used given available resources. It is possible that in some cases data sets were missed or the publication's use of the data set was indirect or incidental.