Publication Details


The Kepler Follow-up Observation Program. I. A Catalog of Companions to Kepler Stars from High-Resolution Imaging


Furlan, E. and Ciardi, D. R. and Everett, M. E. and Saylors, M. and Teske, J. K. and Horch, E. P. and Howell, S. B. and van Belle, G. T. and Hirsch, L. A. and Gautier, III, T. N. and Adams, E. R. and Barrado, D. and Cartier, K. M. S. and Dressing, C. D. and Dupree, A. K. and Gilliland, R. L. and Lillo-Box, J. and Lucas, P. W. and Wang, J.



, 2017, 153, 71

Data Sets Used

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