Publication Details


Hierarchical star formation across the grand-design spiral NGC 1566


Gouliermis, Dimitrios A. and Elmegreen, Bruce G. and Elmegreen, Debra M. and Calzetti, Daniela and Cignoni, Michele and Gallagher, John S., III and Kennicutt, Robert C. and Klessen, Ralf S. and Sabbi, Elena and Thilker, David and Ubeda, Leonardo and Aloisi, Alessandra and Adamo, Angela and Cook, David O. and Dale, Daniel and Grasha, Kathryn and Grebel, Eva K. and Johnson, Kelsey E. and Sacchi, Elena and Shabani, Fayezeh and Smith, Linda J. and Wofford, Aida



, 2017, 468, 509-530

Data Sets Used

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