Publication Details
Title | Growing supermassive black holes in the late stages of galaxy mergers are heavily obscured |
Author(s) | Ricci, C. and Bauer, F. E. and Treister, E. and Schawinski, K. and Privon, G. C. and Blecha, L. and Arevalo, P. and Armus, L. and Harrison, F. and Ho, L. C. and Iwasawa, K. and Sanders, D. B. and Stern, D. |
Journal | MNRAS , 2017, 468, 1273-1299 |
ADS | 2017MNRAS.468.1273R |
DOI | 10.1093/mnras/stx173 |
Data Sets Used
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MUSYC, GPIPS, HERON. Follow the icon link for data set descriptions.
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A best-effort attempt was made to match publications with data sets actually used given available resources. It is possible that in some cases data sets were missed or the publication's use of the data set was indirect or incidental.