Publication Details


The nearby Type Ibn supernova 2015G: signatures of asymmetry and progenitor constraints


Shivvers, I. and Zheng, W. and Van Dyk, S. D. and Mauerhan, J. and Filippenko, A. V. and Smith, N. and Foley, R. J. and Mazzali, P. and Kamble, A. and Kilpatrick, C. D. and Margutti, R. and Yuk, H. and Graham, M. L. and Kelly, P. L. and Andrews, J. and Matheson, T. and Wood-Vasey, W. M. and Ponder, K. A. and Brown, P. J. and Chevalier, R. and Milisavljevic, D. and Drout, M. and Parrent, J. and Soderberg, A. and Ashall, C. and Piascik, A. and Prentice, S.



, 2017, 471, 4381-4397

Data Sets Used

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