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The First Post-Kepler Brightness Dips of KIC 8462852


Boyajian, Tabetha. S. and Alonso, Roi and Ammerman, Alex and Armstrong, David and Asensio Ramos, A. and Barkaoui, K. and Beatty, Thomas G. and Benkhaldoun, Z. and Benni, Paul and Bentley, Rory O. and Berdyugin, Andrei and Berdyugina, Svetlana and Bergeron, Serge and Bieryla, Allyson and Blain, Michaela G. and Capetillo Blanco, Alicia and Bodman, Eva H. L. and Boucher, Anne and Bradley, Mark and Brincat, Stephen M. and Brink, Thomas G. and Briol, John and Brown, David J. A. and Budaj, J. and Burdanov, A. and Cale, B. and Aznar Carbo, Miguel and Castillo García, R. and Clark, Wendy J. and Clayton, Geoffrey C. and Clem, James L. and Coker, Phillip H. and Cook, Evan M. and Copperwheat, Chris M. and Curtis, J. L. and Cutri, R. M. and Cseh, B. and Cynamon, C. H. and Daniels, Alex J. and Davenport, James R. A. and Deeg, Hans J. and De Lorenzo, Roberto and de Jaeger, Thomas and Desrosiers, Jean-Bruno and Dolan, John and Dowhos, D. J. and Dubois, Franky and Durkee, R. and Dvorak, Shawn and Easley, Lynn and Edwards, N. and Ellis, Tyler G. and Erdelyi, Emery and Ertel, Steve and Farfán, Rafael. G. and Farihi, J. and Filippenko, Alexei V. and Foxell, Emma and Gand olfi, Davide and Garcia, Faustino and Giddens, F. and Gillon, M. and González-Carballo, Juan-Luis and González-Fernández, C. and González Hernández, J. I. and Graham, Keith A. and Greene, Kenton A. and Gregorio, J. and Hallakoun, Na’ama and Hanyecz, Ottó and Harp, G. R. and Henry, Gregory W. and Herrero, E. and Hildbold, Caleb F. and Hinzel, D. and Holgado, G. and Ignácz, Bernadett and Ilyin, Ilya and Ivanov, Valentin D. and Jehin, E. and Jermak, Helen E. and Johnston, Steve and Kafka, S. and Kalup, Csilla and Kardasis, Emmanuel and Kaspi, Shai and Kennedy, Grant M. and Kiefer, F. and Kielty, C. L. and Kessler, Dennis and Kiiskinen, H. and Killestein, T. L. and King, Ronald A. and Kollar, V. and Korhonen, H. and Kotnik, C. and Könyves-Tóth, Réka and Kriskovics, Levente and Krumm, Nathan and Krushinsky, Vadim and Kundra, E. and Lachapelle, Francois-Rene and LaCourse, D. and Lake, P. and Lam, Kristine and Lamb, Gavin P. and Lane, Dave and Lau, Marie Wingyee and Lewin, Pablo and Lintott, Chris and Lisse, Carey and Logie, Ludwig and Longeard, Nicolas and Lopez Villanueva, M. and Whit Ludington, E. and Mainzer, A. and Malo, Lison and Maloney, Chris and Mann, A. and Mantero, A. and Marengo, Massimo and Marchant, Jon and Martínez González, M. J. and Masiero, Joseph R. and Mauerhan, Jon C. and McCormac, James and McNeely, Aaron and Meng, Huan Y. A. and Miller, Mike and Molnar, Lawrence A. and Morales, J. C. and Morris, Brett M. and Muterspaugh, Matthew W. and Nespral, David and Nugent, C. R. and Nugent, Katherine M. and Odasso, A. and O’Keeffe, Derek and Oksanen, A. and O’Meara, John M. and Ordasi, András and Osborn, Hugh and Ott, John J. and Parks, J. R. and Rodriguez Perez, Diego and Petriew, Vance and Pickard, R. and Pál, András and Plavchan, P. and Pollacco, Don and Pozo Nuñez, F. and Pozuelos, F. J. and Rau, Steve and Redfield, Seth and Relles, Howard and Ribas, Ignasi and Richards, Jon and Saario, Joonas L. O. and Safron, Emily J. and Sallai, J. Martin and Sárneczky, Krisztián and Schaefer, Bradley E. and Schumer, Clea F. and Schwartzendruber, Madison and Siegel, Michael H. and Siemion, Andrew P. V. and Simmons, Brooke D. and Simon, Joshua D. and Simón-Díaz, S. and Sitko, Michael L. and Socas-Navarro, Hector and Sódor, Á. and Starkey, Donn and Steele, Iain A. and Stone, Geoff and Strassmeier, Klaus G. and Street, R. A. and Sullivan, Tricia and Suomela, J. and Swift, J. J. and Szabó, Gyula M. and Szabó, Róbert and Szakáts, Róbert and Szalai, Tamás and Tanner, Angelle M. and Toledo-Padrón, B. and Tordai, Tamás and Triaud, Amaury H. M. J. and Turner, Jake D. and Ulowetz, Joseph H. and Urbanik, Marian and Vanaverbeke, Siegfried and Vanderburg, Andrew and Vida, Krisztián and Vietje, Brad P. and Vinkó, József and von Braun, K. and Waagen, Elizabeth O. and Walsh, Dan and Watson, Christopher A. and Weir, R. C. and Wenzel, Klaus and Westendorp Plaza, C. and Williamson, Michael W. and Wright, Jason T. and Wyatt, M. C. and Zheng, WeiKang and Zsidi, Gabriella


The Astrophysical Journal

, 2018, 853, L8

Data Sets Used

Note: A "More Missions" icon indicates one or more data sets from among: COSMOS, BLAST, BOLOCAM, IRTS, MSX, SWAS, BRAVA, MUSYC, GPIPS, HERON. Follow the icon link for data set descriptions.

A best-effort attempt was made to match publications with data sets actually used given available resources. It is possible that in some cases data sets were missed or the publication's use of the data set was indirect or incidental.