Publication Details


iPTF 16hgs: A Double-peaked Ca-rich Gap Transient in a Metal-poor, Star-forming Dwarf Galaxy


De, Kishalay and Kasliwal, Mansi M. and Cantwell, Therese and Cao, Yi and Cenko, S. Bradley and Gal-Yam, Avishay and Johansson, Joel and Kong, Albert and Kulkarni, Shrinivas R. and Lunnan, Ragnhild and Masci, Frank and Matuszewski, Matt and Mooley, Kunal P. and Neill, James D. and Nugent, Peter E. and Ofek, Eran O. and Perrott, Yvette and Rebbapragada, Umaa D. and Rubin, Adam and O’ Sullivan, Donal and Yaron, Ofer



, 2018, 866, 72

Data Sets Used

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