Publication Details


HATS-50b through HATS-53b: Four Transiting Hot Jupiters Orbiting G-type Stars Discovered by the HATSouth Survey


Henning, Th. and Mancini, L. and Sarkis, P. and Bakos, G. Á. and Hartman, J. D. and Bayliss, D. and Bento, J. and Bhatti, W. and Brahm, R. and Ciceri, S. and Csubry, Z. and de Val-Borro, M. and Espinoza, N. and Fulton, B. J. and Howard, A. W. and Isaacson, H. T. and Jordán, A. and Marcy, G. W. and Penev, K. and Rabus, M. and Suc, V. and Tan, T. G. and Tinney, C. G. and Wright, D. J. and Zhou, G. and Durkan, S. and Lazar, J. and Papp, I. and Sari, P.



, 2018, 155, 79

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