Publication Details


K2-265 b: a transiting rocky super-Earth


Lam, K. W. F. and Santerne, A. and Sousa, S. G. and Vigan, A. and Armstrong, D. J. and Barros, S. C. C. and Brugger, B. and Adibekyan, V. and Almenara, J. -M. and Delgado Mena, E. and Dumusque, X. and Barrado, D. and Bayliss, D. and Bonomo, A. S. and Bouchy, F. and Brown, D. J. A. and Ciardi, D. and Deleuil, M. and Demangeon, O. and Faedi, F. and Foxell, E. and Jackman, J. A. G. and King, G. W. and Kirk, J. and Ligi, R. and Lillo-Box, J. and Lopez, T. and Lovis, C. and Louden, T. and Nielsen, L. D. and McCormac, J. and Mousis, O. and Osborn, H. P. and Pollacco, D. and Santos, N. C. and Udry, S. and Wheatley, P. J.



, 2018, 620, A77

Data Sets Used

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