Publication Details


A Super-Earth and Sub-Neptune Transiting the Late-type M Dwarf LP 791-18


Crossfield, Ian J. M. and Waalkes, William and Newton, Elisabeth R. and Narita, Norio and Muirhead, Philip and Ment, Kristo and Matthews, Elisabeth and Kraus, Adam and Kostov, Veselin and Kosiarek, Molly R. and Kane, Stephen R. and Isaacson, Howard and Halverson, Sam and Gonzales, Erica and Everett, Mark and Dragomir, Diana and Collins, Karen A. and Chontos, Ashley and Berardo, David and Winters, Jennifer G. and Winn, Joshua N. and Scott, Nicholas J. and Rojas-Ayala, Barbara and Rizzuto, Aaron C. and Petigura, Erik A. and Peterson, Merrin and Mocnik, Teo and Mikal-Evans, Thomas and Mehrle, Nicholas and Matson, Rachel and Kuzuhara, Masayuki and Irwin, Jonathan and Huber, Daniel and Huang, Chelsea and Howell, Steve and Howard, Andrew W. and Hirano, Teruyuki and Fulton, Benjamin J. and Dupuy, Trent and Dressing, Courtney D. and Dalba, Paul A. and Charbonneau, David and Burt, Jennifer and Berta-Thompson, Zachory and Benneke, Björn and Watanabe, Noriharu and Twicken, Joseph D. and Tamura, Motohide and Schlieder, Joshua and Seager, S. and Rose, Mark E. and Ricker, George and Quintana, Elisa and Lépine, Sébastien and Latham, David W. and Kotani, Takayuki and Jenkins, Jon M. and Hori, Yasunori and Colon, Knicole and Caldwell, Douglas A.



, 2019, 883, L16

Data Sets Used

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A best-effort attempt was made to match publications with data sets actually used given available resources. It is possible that in some cases data sets were missed or the publication's use of the data set was indirect or incidental.