Publication Details


Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Coma Cluster Progenitor at z \sim 2.2


Darvish, Behnam and Scoville, Nick Z. and Martin, Christopher and Sobral, David and Mobasher, Bahram and Rettura, Alessandro and Matthee, Jorryt and Capak, Peter and Chartab, Nima and Hemmati, Shoubaneh and Masters, Daniel and Nayyeri, Hooshang and O’Sullivan, Donal and Paulino-Afonso, Ana and Sattari, Zahra and Shahidi, Abtin and Salvato, Mara and Lemaux, Brian C. and Fèvre, Olivier Le and Cucciati, Olga



, 2020, 892, 8

Data Sets Used

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