Publication Details


Spitzer Observations of the Predicted Eddington Flare from Blazar OJ 287


Laine, Seppo and Dey, Lankeswar and Valtonen, Mauri and Gopakumar, A. and Zola, Stanislaw and Komossa, S. and Kidger, Mark and Pihajoki, Pauli and Gómez, José L. and Caton, Daniel and Ciprini, Stefano and Drozdz, Marek and Gazeas, Kosmas and Godunova, Vira and Haque, Shirin and Hildebrandt, Felix and Hudec, Rene and Jermak, Helen and Kong, Albert K. H. and Lehto, Harry and Liakos, Alexios and Matsumoto, Katsura and Mugrauer, Markus and Pursimo, Tapio and Reichart, Daniel E. and Simon, Andrii and Siwak, Michal and Sonbas, Eda



, 2020, 894, L1

Data Sets Used

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