Publication Details


Three short-period Jupiters from TESS. HIP 65Ab, TOI-157b, and TOI-169b


Nielsen, L. D. and Brahm, R. and Bouchy, F. and Espinoza, N. and Turner, O. and Rappaport, S. and Pearce, L. and Ricker, G. and Vanderspek, R. and Latham, D. W. and Seager, S. and Winn, J. N. and Jenkins, J. M. and Acton, J. S. and Bakos, G. and Barclay, T. and Barkaoui, K. and Bhatti, W. and Briceño, C. and Bryant, E. M. and Burleigh, M. R. and Ciardi, D. R. and Collins, K. A. and Collins, K. I. and Cooke, B. F. and Csubry, Z. and dos Santos, L. A. and Eigmüller, Ph. and Fausnaugh, M. M. and Gan, T. and Gillon, M. and Goad, M. R. and Guerrero, N. and Hagelberg, J. and Hart, R. and Henning, T. and Huang, C. X. and Jehin, E. and Jenkins, J. S. and Jordán, A. and Kielkopf, J. F. and Kossakowski, D. and Lavie, B. and Law, N. and Lendl, M. and de Leon, J. P. and Lovis, C. and Mann, A. W. and Marmier, M. and McCormac, J. and Mori, M. and Moyano, M. and Narita, N. and Osip, D. and Otegi, J. F. and Pepe, F. and Pozuelos, F. J. and Raynard, L. and Relles, H. M. and Sarkis, P. and Ségransan, D. and Seidel, J. V. and Shporer, A. and Stalport, M. and Stockdale, C. and Suc, V. and Tamura, M. and Tan, T. G. and Tilbrook, R. H. and Ting, E. B. and Trifonov, T. and Udry, S. and Vanderburg, A. and Wheatley, P. J. and Wingham, G. and Zhan, Z. and Ziegler, C.



, 2020, 639, A76

Data Sets Used

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A best-effort attempt was made to match publications with data sets actually used given available resources. It is possible that in some cases data sets were missed or the publication's use of the data set was indirect or incidental.