Publication Details


TOI-1634 b: An Ultra-short-period Keystone Planet Sitting inside the M-dwarf Radius Valley


Cloutier, Ryan and Charbonneau, David and Stassun, Keivan G. and Murgas, Felipe and Mortier, Annelies and Massey, Robert and Lissauer, Jack J. and Latham, David W. and Irwin, Jonathan and Haywood, Raphaëlle D. and Guerra, Pere and Girardin, Eric and Giacalone, Steven A. and Bosch-Cabot, Pau and Bieryla, Allyson and Winn, Joshua and Watson, Christopher A. and Vanderspek, Roland and Udry, Stéphane and Tamura, Motohide and Sozzetti, Alessandro and Shporer, Avi and Ségransan, Damien and Seager, Sara and Savel, Arjun B. and Sasselov, Dimitar and Rose, Mark and Ricker, George and Rice, Ken and Quintana, Elisa V. and Quinn, Samuel N. and Piotto, Giampaolo and Phillips, David and Pepe, Francesco and Pedani, Marco and Parviainen, Hannu and Palle, Enric and Narita, Norio and Molinari, Emilio and Micela, Giuseppina and McDermott, Scott and Mayor, Michel and Matson, Rachel A. and Martinez Fiorenzano, Aldo F. and Lovis, Christophe and López-Morales, Mercedes and Kusakabe, Nobuhiko and Jensen, Eric L. N. and Jenkins, Jon M. and Huang, Chelsea X. and Howell, Steve B. and Harutyunyan, Avet and Fűrész, Gábor and Fukui, Akihiko and Esquerdo, Gilbert A. and Esparza-Borges, Emma and Dumusque, Xavier and Dressing, Courtney D. and Fabrizio, Luca Di and Collins, Karen A. and Cameron, Andrew Collier and Christiansen, Jessie L. and Cecconi, Massimo and Buchhave, Lars A. and Boschin, Walter and Andreuzzi, Gloria



, 2021, 162, 79

Data Sets Used

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A best-effort attempt was made to match publications with data sets actually used given available resources. It is possible that in some cases data sets were missed or the publication's use of the data set was indirect or incidental.