Data Access

Publication Details


TOI-3362b: A Proto Hot Jupiter Undergoing High-eccentricity Tidal Migration


Dong, Jiayin and Huang, Chelsea X. and Zhou, George and Dawson, Rebekah I. and Rodriguez, Joseph E. and Eastman, Jason D. and Collins, Karen A. and Quinn, Samuel N. and Shporer, Avi and Triaud, Amaury H. M. J. and Wang, Songhu and Beatty, Thomas and Jackson, Jonathon M. and Collins, Kevin I. and Abe, Lyu and Suarez, Olga and Crouzet, Nicolas and Mékarnia, Djamel and Dransfield, Georgina and Jensen, Eric L. N. and Stockdale, Chris and Barkaoui, Khalid and Heitzmann, Alexis and Wright, Duncan J. and Addison, Brett C. and Wittenmyer, Robert A. and Okumura, Jack and Bowler, Brendan P. and Horner, Jonathan and Kane, Stephen R. and Kielkopf, John and Liu, Huigen and Plavchan, Peter and Mengel, Matthew W. and Ricker, George R. and Vanderspek, Roland and Latham, David W. and Seager, S. and Winn, Joshua N. and Jenkins, Jon M. and Christiansen, Jessie L. and Paegert, Martin



, 2021, 920, L16

Data Sets Used

Note: A "More Missions" icon indicates one or more data sets from among: COSMOS, BLAST, BOLOCAM, IRTS, MSX, SWAS, BRAVA, MUSYC, GPIPS, HERON. Follow the icon link for data set descriptions.

A best-effort attempt was made to match publications with data sets actually used given available resources. It is possible that in some cases data sets were missed or the publication's use of the data set was indirect or incidental.