Publication Details


Study of the thermal and nonthermal emission components in M 31: the Sardinia Radio Telescope view at 6.6 GHz


Fatigoni, S. and Radiconi, F. and Battistelli, E. S. and Murgia, M. and Carretti, E. and Castangia, P. and Concu, R. and de Bernardis, P. and Fritz, J. and Genova-Santos, R. and Govoni, F. and Guidi, F. and Lamagna, L. and Masi, S. and Melis, A. and Paladini, R. and Perez-Toledo, F. M. and Piacentini, F. and Poppi, S. and Rebolo, R. and Rubino-Martin, J. A. and Surcis, G. and Tarchi, A. and Vacca, V.



, 2021, 651, A98

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