Publication Details


Asteroseismology of iota Draconis and Discovery of an Additional Long-period Companion


Hill, Michelle L. and Kane, Stephen R. and Campante, Tiago L. and Li, Zhexing and Dalba, Paul A. and Brandt, Timothy D. and White, Timothy R. and Pope, Benjamin J. S. and Stassun, Keivan G. and Fulton, Benjamin J. and Corsaro, Enrico and Li, Tanda and Ong, J. M. Joel and Bedding, Timothy R. and Bossini, Diego and Buzasi, Derek L. and Chaplin, William J. and Cunha, Margarida S. and García, Rafael A. and Breton, Sylvain N. and Hon, Marc and Huber, Daniel and Jiang, Chen and Kayhan, Cenk and Kuszlewicz, James S. and Mathur, Savita and Serenelli, Aldo and Stello, Dennis



, 2021, 162, 211

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