Publication Details


TOI-431/HIP 26013: a super-Earth and a sub-Neptune transiting a bright, early K dwarf, with a third RV planet


Osborn, Ares and Armstrong, David J. and Cale, Bryson and Brahm, Rafael and Wittenmyer, Robert A. and Dai, Fei and Crossfield, Ian J. M. and Bryant, Edward M. and Adibekyan, Vardan and Cloutier, Ryan and Collins, Karen A. and Delgado Mena, E. and Fridlund, Malcolm and Hellier, Coel and Howell, Steve B. and King, George W. and Lillo-Box, Jorge and Otegi, Jon and Sousa, S. and Stassun, Keivan G. and Matthews, Elisabeth C. and Ziegler, Carl and Ricker, George and Vanderspek, Roland and Latham, David W. and Seager, S. and Winn, Joshua N. and Jenkins, Jon M. and Acton, Jack S. and Addison, Brett C. and Anderson, David R. and Ballard, Sarah and Barrado, David and Barros, Susana C. C. and Batalha, Natalie and Bayliss, Daniel and Barclay, Thomas and Benneke, Björn and Berberian, John and Bouchy, Francois and Bowler, Brendan P. and Briceño, César and Burke, Christopher J. and Burleigh, Matthew R. and Casewell, Sarah L. and Ciardi, David and Collins, Kevin I. and Cooke, Benjamin F. and Demangeon, Olivier D. S. and Díaz, Rodrigo F. and Dorn, C. and Dragomir, Diana and Dressing, Courtney and Dumusque, Xavier and Espinoza, Néstor and Figueira, P. and Fulton, Benjamin and Furlan, E. and Gaidos, E. and Geneser, C. and Gill, Samuel and Goad, Michael R. and Gonzales, Erica J. and Gorjian, Varoujan and Günther, Maximilian N. and Helled, Ravit and Henderson, Beth A. and Henning, Thomas and Hogan, Aleisha and Hojjatpanah, Saeed and Horner, Jonathan and Howard, Andrew W. and Hoyer, Sergio and Huber, Dan and Isaacson, Howard and Jenkins, James S. and Jensen, Eric L. N. and Jordán, Andrés and Kane, Stephen R. and Kidwell, Richard C. and Kielkopf, John and Law, Nicholas and Lendl, Monika and Lund, M. and Matson, Rachel A. and Mann, Andrew W. and McCormac, James and Mengel, Matthew W. and Morales, Farisa Y. and Nielsen, Louise D. and Okumura, Jack and Osborn, Hugh P. and Petigura, Erik A. and Plavchan, Peter and Pollacco, Don and Quintana, Elisa V. and Raynard, Liam and Robertson, Paul and Rose, Mark E. and Roy, Arpita and Reefe, Michael and Santerne, Alexandre and Santos, Nuno C. and Sarkis, Paula and Schlieder, J. and Schwarz, Richard P. and Scott, Nicholas J. and Shporer, Avi and Smith, A. M. S. and Stibbard, C. and Stockdale, Chris and Strøm, Paul A. and Twicken, Joseph D. and Tan, Thiam-Guan and Tanner, A. and Teske, J. and Tilbrook, Rosanna H. and Tinney, C. G. and Udry, Stephane and Villaseñor, Jesus Noel and Vines, Jose I. and Wang, Sharon X. and Weiss, Lauren M. and West, Richard G. and Wheatley, Peter J. and Wright, Duncan J. and Zhang, Hui and Zohrabi, F.



, 2021, 507, 2782-2803

Data Sets Used

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