Publication Details


A Mirage or an Oasis? Water Vapor in the Atmosphere of the Warm Neptune TOI-674 b


Brande, Jonathan and Crossfield, Ian J. M. and Kreidberg, Laura and Oklopčić, Antonija and Polanski, Alex S. and Barman, Travis and Benneke, Björn and Christiansen, Jessie L. and Dragomir, Diana and Foreman-Mackey, Daniel and Fortney, Jonathan J. and Greene, Thomas P. and Howard, Andrew W. and Knutson, Heather A. and Lothringer, Joshua D. and Mikal-Evans, Thomas and Morley, Caroline V.



, 2022, 164, 197

Data Sets Used

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A best-effort attempt was made to match publications with data sets actually used given available resources. It is possible that in some cases data sets were missed or the publication's use of the data set was indirect or incidental.