Data Access

Publication Details


GOODS-ALMA 2.0: Source catalog, number counts, and prevailing compact sizes in 1.1 mm galaxies


Gómez-Guijarro, C. and Elbaz, D. and Xiao, M. and Béthermin, M. and Franco, M. and Magnelli, B. and Daddi, E. and Dickinson, M. and Demarco, R. and Inami, H. and Rujopakarn, W. and Magdis, G. E. and Shu, X. and Chary, R. and Zhou, L. and Alexander, D. M. and Bournaud, F. and Ciesla, L. and Ferguson, H. C. and Finkelstein, S. L. and Giavalisco, M. and Iono, D. and Juneau, S. and Kartaltepe, J. S. and Lagache, G. and Le Floc’h, E. and Leiton, R. and Lin, L. and Motohara, K. and Mullaney, J. and Okumura, K. and Pannella, M. and Papovich, C. and Pope, A. and Sargent, M. T. and Silverman, J. D. and Treister, E. and Wang, T.



, 2022, 658, A43

Data Sets Used

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