Publication Details


Stellar masses, sizes, and radial profiles for 465 nearby early-type galaxies: An extension to the Spitzer survey of stellar structure in Galaxies (S^{4}G)


Watkins, A. E. and Salo, H. and Laurikainen, E. and Díaz-García, S. and Comerón, S. and Janz, J. and Su, A. H. and Buta, R. and Athanassoula, E. and Bosma, A. and Ho, L. C. and Holwerda, B. W. and Kim, T. and Knapen, J. H. and Laine, S. and Menéndez-Delmestre, K. and Peletier, R. F. and Sheth, K. and Zaritsky, D.



, 2022, 660, A69

Data Sets Used

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