Publication Details


Two Massive, Compact, and Dust-obscured Candidate z ≃ 8 Galaxies Discovered by JWST


Akins, Hollis B. and Casey, Caitlin M. and Allen, Natalie and Bagley, Micaela B. and Dickinson, Mark and Finkelstein, Steven L. and Franco, Maximilien and Harish, Santosh and Arrabal Haro, Pablo and Ilbert, Olivier and Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S. and Koekemoer, Anton M. and Liu, Daizhong and Long, Arianna S. and McCracken, Henry Joy and Paquereau, Louise and Papovich, Casey and Pirzkal, Nor and Rhodes, Jason and Robertson, Brant E. and Shuntov, Marko and Toft, Sune and Yang, Guang and Barro, Guillermo and Bisigello, Laura and Buat, Véronique and Champagne, Jaclyn B. and Cooper, Olivia and Costantin, Luca and de La Vega, Alexander and Drakos, Nicole E. and Faisst, Andreas and Fontana, Adriano and Fujimoto, Seiji and Gillman, Steven and Gómez-Guijarro, Carlos and Gozaliasl, Ghassem and Hathi, Nimish P. and Hayward, Christopher C. and Hirschmann, Michaela and Holwerda, Benne W. and Jin, Shuowen and Kocevski, Dale D. and Kokorev, Vasily and Lambrides, Erini and Lucas, Ray A. and Magdis, Georgios E. and Magnelli, Benjamin and McKinney, Jed and Mobasher, Bahram and Pérez-González, Pablo G. and Rich, R. Michael and Seillé, Lise-Marie and Talia, Margherita and Urry, C. Megan and Valentino, Francesco and Whitaker, Katherine E. and Yung, L. Y. Aaron and Zavala, Jorge and Cosmos-Web Team and Ceers Team



, 2023, 956, 61

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