Publication Details


A radio-detected type Ia supernova with helium-rich circumstellar material


Kool, Erik C. and Johansson, Joel and Sollerman, Jesper and Moldón, Javier and Moriya, Takashi J. and Mattila, Seppo and Schulze, Steve and Chomiuk, Laura and Pérez-Torres, Miguel and Harris, Chelsea and Lundqvist, Peter and Graham, Matthew and Yang, Sheng and Perley, Daniel A. and Strotjohann, Nora Linn and Fremling, Christoffer and Gal-Yam, Avishay and Lezmy, Jeremy and Maguire, Kate and Omand, Conor and Smith, Mathew and Andreoni, Igor and Bellm, Eric C. and Bloom, Joshua S. and De, Kishalay and Groom, Steven L. and Kasliwal, Mansi M. and Masci, Frank J. and Medford, Michael S. and Park, Sungmin and Purdum, Josiah and Reynolds, Thomas M. and Riddle, Reed and Robert, Estelle and Ryder, Stuart D. and Sharma, Yashvi and Stern, Daniel



, 2023, 617, 477-482

Data Sets Used

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