Publication Details


Three low-mass companions around aged stars discovered by TESS


Lin, Zitao and Gan, Tianjun and Wang, Sharon X. and Shporer, Avi and Rabus, Markus and Zhou, George and Psaridi, Angelica and Bouchy, François and Bieryla, Allyson and Latham, David W. and Mao, Shude and Stassun, Keivan G. and Hellier, Coel and Howell, Steve B. and Ziegler, Carl and Caldwell, Douglas A. and Clark, Catherine A. and Collins, Karen A. and Curtis, Jason L. and Faherty, Jacqueline K. and Gnilka, Crystal L. and Grunblatt, Samuel K. and Jenkins, Jon M. and Johnson, Marshall C. and Law, Nicholas and Lendl, Monika and Littlefield, Colin and Lund, Michael B. and Lund, Mikkel N. and Mann, Andrew W. and McDermott, Scott and Mishra, Lokesh and Mounzer, Dany and Paegert, Martin and Pritchard, Tyler and Ricker, George R. and Seager, Sara and Srdoc, Gregor and Sun, Qinghui and Tang, Jiaxin and Udry, Stéphane and Vanderspek, Roland and Watanabe, David and Winn, Joshua N. and Yu, Jie



, 2023, 523, 6162-6185

Data Sets Used

Note: A "More Missions" icon indicates one or more data sets from among: COSMOS, BLAST, BOLOCAM, IRTS, MSX, SWAS, BRAVA, MUSYC, GPIPS, HERON. Follow the icon link for data set descriptions.

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