Publication Details


Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT ’EM) Survey. III. Recovery and Confirmation of a Temperate, Mildly Eccentric, Single-transit Jupiter Orbiting TOI-2010


Mann, Christopher R. and Dalba, Paul A. and Lafrenière, David and Fulton, Benjamin J. and Hébrard, Guillaume and Boisse, Isabelle and Dalal, Shweta and Deleuil, Magali and Delfosse, Xavier and Demangeon, Olivier and Forveille, Thierry and Heidari, Neda and Kiefer, Flavien and Martioli, Eder and Moutou, Claire and Endl, Michael and Cochran, William D. and MacQueen, Phillip and Marchis, Franck and Dragomir, Diana and Gupta, Arvind F. and Feliz, Dax L. and Nicholson, Belinda A. and Ziegler, Carl and Villanueva, Steven and Rowe, Jason and Talens, Geert Jan and Thorngren, Daniel and LaCourse, Daryll and Jacobs, Tom and Howard, Andrew W. and Bieryla, Allyson and Latham, David W. and Rabus, Markus and Fetherolf, Tara and Hellier, Coel and Howell, Steve B. and Plavchan, Peter and Reefe, Michael and Combs, Deven and Bowen, Michael and Wittrock, Justin and Ricker, George R. and Seager, S. and Winn, Joshua N. and Jenkins, Jon M. and Barclay, Thomas and Watanabe, David and Collins, Karen A. and Eastman, Jason D. and Ting, Eric B.



, 2023, 166, 239

Data Sets Used

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